My name is Whitney. I am 22 years old, married and have a very gifted one year old son. Ever Since I was really little I have always been a lot different then all the other children in my neighbor hood. I have always been able to feel things much bigger and unknown to my sight. Like someone was following me or trying to protect me from something evil.
When I was 12 years old I was going to a gymnastic meet in Oregon. My coach had been taking care of an elderly man for some time and had to leave him with a nurse for the weekend due to our meet. I had never met this man in my life and as I continued to introduce myself to him, I shook his hand and got this feeling, something I have never been able to explain. I knew he was going die, I didn't know when or how, But just that he was going to pass on. That very next night before our meet, Carol got a call from the nurse that he had passed away due to a breathing problem. I have never told anyone about this because I know not many people are like me. This has happened to me twice more in my life.
I am able to read into people as far as knowing exactly how they are feeling and sometimes, at times what they are thinking. I have seen things before they have happened. I even dreamed that I was going to have a son 2 months before I even got pregnant. I knew exactly what he would look like too.
I feel a little withdrawn from this world but I know its a gift that not many people can cherish. I have always been gifted in everything I do. Never had anything seriously bad happen to me and mostly have never really been able to make a lot of friends. This world would probably call me crazy or bipolar, But I think we are much more then that.
My suggestion would be to look into your past and try to put pieces of the larger puzzle together. Then see where your inner strenght has given you the power to deal and succeed.
You have a support system on here and I am sure other people can offer you great advice. If you have any advice to tips for me, I would be greatly appreciative.
Good luck