Since childhood I've had a "connection" with the wind... This was first realized during a quiet time, self reflection, a look inward if you will. The feeling of traveling deep within myself, cycling deeper into thought, opening doors; I perceive each step as a door, you may experience it differently. There seems no depth to my doors to enter, only my own boredom was keeping me from reaching deeper. There it was a rustling, a rushing of wind in my minds ears. It followed my whim so easily, up, down, harsh and soft. This was echoed out side, the winds followed my command. Then, an image, a beautiful Asian woman, laughing at me and blocking my attempts. I referred to her at the time as the Witch of the Orient. The only successful attempt to counter my control of the weather and wind. Oh, by the way, the way I do it, is that I feel my geographical location in every cell of my existence, simply call the wind and weather, low pressure will "suck" wind to me and high pressure quiets it down.
Well, I tried the trick of opening doors inward, but reversed it, opening her doors tracking her down. Like lightning, flash, she shut it off. I know I can control more than she does, but she has uses an attack, with-drawl and disconnect technique that has taken me over 30 years to track within 50 Kilometers. Now that I am in Taiwan... Oh by the way. Earthquakes have nothing even close to do with me, or her, coincidence in timing.
I've learned two Asian languages and am working on a third, but I've finally found my "witch", well at least I'm in the same country and county.
Wish me luck.
Wind Rival