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Relaxed State Conductive to Psychic Experiences


The title of my story has a major role in my psychic ability. It started to notice things, when I was about 14/15 (current age is 16). I started to notice when I was in an english lesson, I was listening to the teacher, she asked a question, when someone put up their hand, I randomly thought of a word which she said in the first sentence. At the current time I was relaxed.

This happened all the time in the following weeks, randomly guessing words, all of which I was in a relaxed state. Eventually it got to a state when I guessed once a week (about four months ago) then it stopped for about 3 weeks. Just recently, I was sleeping in my bed, when I awoke abruptly, I sat there for about 15 minutes wondering what had caused it when the words "Bang" came into my head, then there was this repetitive tapping about 25 times on the wall, I told my dad I believed the house was haunted and he didn't believe me. A couple of nights ago I was awoken again only to discover there was a loud tapping coming from the wall from between my sister and I, eventually I fell a sleep.

About 55 minutes ago, when I just discovered this site, I thought it would be fun to try the tarot reading for my friend, the word "Death" sprung to mind, would you believe it the last card was death.

I don't know whether because it's my hormones are high being a teenager still, thus them influencing psychic abilities, or whether I have psychic abilities which are pushing through slowly, still awaiting to be unlocked.

Although I am deeply intrigued by psychic phenomena, this is starting to really disturb me. I would be delighted if you could share your views on this, and help me out. I wouldn't like to stop them if anything increase them. I know this sounds crazy but I believe I have a very mild psychic ability.

Thank you for reading

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, munslow9, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

hotandcold (5 stories) (218 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-08)
Yer, like someone is sitting on the top of your head lol, best way to describe it 😆

hotandcold (5 stories) (218 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-08)
Well, you just feel shrouded with warmth and love. You feel as if you are weightless, but something is still pushing you down. Thats how I feel.

hotandcold (5 stories) (218 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-08)
Well, it took about 2 days of 30 minute meditation for the aching left side to come, and about a week of it for simple communication. They don't come easy. Have you had any signs of communication yet?

hotandcold (5 stories) (218 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-08)
No problem, I'm glad to be of help to someone lol! =]

So it worked?

hotandcold (5 stories) (218 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-04)
I imagined the bright light which is my power to start off with, and then it showed me in my mind where to find it, where the source is. The main source is in my hands and my heart chakra.

hotandcold (5 stories) (218 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-04)
Yeah, aching head is a good sing. It is the opening of your crown chakra. This means you are making progress, and it will be easier for you to communicate, soon. Keep trying. And achy whole left side of your body is a sign of the same thing. Meditating often leaves me in a good mood, and yes, I am now more confident in being myself, in things like being around boys 😆

munslow9 (1 stories) (16 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-04)
oh yeh forgot to mention this also, I've found myself in a very good mood, and more confident, do you reckon this is his her's way of telling me there with me? Or will I know when that is? Thanks once more
hotandcold (5 stories) (218 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-02)
The crystals are not hard to find! You live in the UK? They usually sell them in coastal ares like Devon, and Cornwall. They are popular there, even though there is pobably a shop in your own town that sells them, and you need to look around.

My spirit guide, I feel like I have known him all my life, even though I have only just met him. He is, in fact, the perfect friend. Here is how to get into touch with yours:

1. Lye down, and completely relax your body. Push all thought that comes into your mind away. If you have a crystal, hold it above the chakra it is suitable for. The heart chakra is the best, and the crystals for it are rose quartz, green calcite and clear quartz. Clear quartz works for all chakras.
2. Focus on finding the energy inside of you (mine usually appears as a white glow, but yours may be some other colour, make sure you are looking for positive energy)
3. Call out a 'hello' to your spirit guide, not questioningly, but enthusiastically, as you would your friend. You shouldn't be able to feel your bed/chair underneath you while you are doing this, it shows you are not quite deeply into your meditation yet. Clear your mind, else it won't work.
4. You might not get a response back immediately, on your first try, but youe head might feel achy and your left side of your whole body might feel achy. The head will be because of the opening of your crown chakra, and the left side of your body is the recieving side, which you don't really use often, unless you are communicating with someone else telepathically, then you would be used to it.

Things that help concentrate when meditating (this is what I've found anyway):
~Dipping your feet in water whilst meditating.
~Focusing on a candle flame
~Holding a crystal

Hope this helps, at first, only ask simple questions like your spirit guides name and yes or no question, as your bond gets stronger (it will be strong enough after around 10 minutes of communication for about a week) You can ask more complex questions.

hotandcold (5 stories) (218 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-01)
Yeah, I'm 13. I was asking, because I know it's hard to concentrate for a certain amount of time when you are younger. I've found that certain crystals help to meditate when you hold them over your heart. The 2 I use are clear quarts and rose quartz.

Yes, I did get in touch with my spirit guide. His name is Martin. Do you want to get into contact with yours?

hotandcold (5 stories) (218 posts)
17 years ago (2007-09-28)
Yes I do meditate, 10 mintues everyday. It also helps to get in contact with your spirit guide. How old are you?

munslow9 (1 stories) (16 posts)
17 years ago (2007-09-28)
yeh just before, or like 5 seconds before.
lol =]
Katie (guest)
17 years ago (2007-09-26)
there's coal for fire under our houses and this area used to be a train tracks and train station kind of thing.
hotandcold (5 stories) (218 posts)
17 years ago (2007-09-26)
Thanks for the comment! I'm glad people on here believe me, I only have 3 friends that do! I'm scared to tell all of the others... And I had helped them find there ability. And in your ability, do you mean they know what they are going to say just before they say it?
munslow9 (1 stories) (16 posts)
17 years ago (2007-09-26)
I know, my house was built over a alley way, god knows what's happened down there. :(
Katie (guest)
17 years ago (2007-09-26)
my house is new as well its only 11 years old. I know you may think old houses are haunted its not just old houses it can be new houses as well.
munslow9 (1 stories) (16 posts)
17 years ago (2007-09-26)
thanks to all those who commented back also forgot to mention but my house is basically new. Thanks for the help =]
Katie (guest)
17 years ago (2007-09-19)
wow same here I just got a bang in my house which came from upstairs either my mum or dads room or my room no body was there. Ghosts can live in your house a few houses have ghosts in. I see ghosts. My stories you can read if you want to there called:
Dreams Which Come True in a Bad Way,
The floating clouds and most houses can get that strange feeling.
hotandcold (5 stories) (218 posts)
17 years ago (2007-09-15)
It may be mild at the moment, but if you meditate and work on improving it it can become a lot stronger. But try and keep control over it, so you can only use it when you want to.

After a while, you will get used to the ghosts, and just think its normal. And, by the way, I'm 13, and I have also heard and felt that when you start gettin hormonal, your ability starts getting stronger. You have probably had this ability all your life, but now you've noticed it. I have your ability, along with another one, and my one of what you had only started about 2 years ago when I first started puberty. The other one has just gotten a lot stronger and new powers have been introduced in with it. I don't know if what I am saying is right or not, but I'm just thinking from my own experiances, and what I have been told, I have only just started learning about this stuff too.

Hope you all the best,
ghs (guest)
17 years ago (2007-09-15)
When you are able to grasp it you will. Don't sweat the small stuff allow the gift to be just that a gift. Not many people have it and those who do are also on a journey of self discovery. Personalize the gift so that you aren't scared make it your own and use it for good. With that said it will only get better for you.
Kast (guest)
17 years ago (2007-09-14)
I think 'Adam' is right, also that maybe you have to practice more to control them :) if really want to you can :D
Adam (guest)
17 years ago (2007-09-12)
Being relaxed generally means you're "listening", you can listen with more than your ears.

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