Since I was a kid I had this vibrations on my back, it was turning and spinning. It extended on my arms and it was like chicken skin, I thought I had a disease or something but recently I discovered it was the great Kundalini Snake. I read about it and is the power of the universe, the unknown and it's a way of meditation. I am glad I solved my "mystery" vibrations but still I am not sure about some things. I can control whenever I want this power, I don't have to concentrate, I just stay in what position I want, where I want and when I want and I just "switch" a button. Like I said before, since I was a kid I had this vibration, this Kundalini, I was 6-7 years old when I first felt this, now I am 19... So it's a very long time I practiced this. I didn't know what it was but I do now. The first thing I want to know is what can I do with this power? Can I help others or me? Is it normal that I had this snake awaken inside me from my age of 6? Did someone out there had the same experience like me or found out he awaken this snake?
Well...from sources on the Internet I read about kundalini and stuff but I want to know what is your opinion and if you can answer my question from above.
Thanks in advance.