I've been thinking about some of these strange abilities people have on her. I'm noticing no one seems to have the ability I have of sensing energy, but any way.
I wish someone could give me advice if I could learn to hear/read people's thoughts or be and empath. I need to know if I can learn to read people's thoughts if they speak another language can I still read the thought or will I not understand it? I also want to know if there is a way to talk to someone telepathicly. I'd like to learn how to do that so I can have small conversations with certain people without other people hearing or knowing. I really need comments or helpful info here.
And for anyone who reads this I would be happy if you read my other stories and commented on them too. I check daily. I also would like to know when someone is trying to get into my thoughts /mind. It felt like someone was trying to do that to me. I had trouble blocking them out. I kept thinking how much I don't want them in my thoughts and it sort of kept them out. I need to know how to block people and how to tell when someone is trying to get in my thoughts, also is there a way to tell who is trying to get in my thoughts?
I'd also like to know how other people feel sometimes there is something bothering them, I can tell but they won't tell me how they feel or what's wrong. They say they feel fine they are happy, but it doesn't seem like it to me. I'd like to know how that person is really feeling and maybe help them.
I'd mostly like to now ow to read other peoples thoughts. What their thoughts are about me or life or other things. (I would never go to far into their thoughts that would invade their privacy and let me tell you I hate having no privacy) Please read and comment. (: