I'm 15 years old and lately some weird things have been happening. First, I've been able to "hear" thoughts. Like, one time at school I was just walking in the halls, going to my locker and no one else is in the hallway, then I heard (in my head) "I'm just going to go to my locker and waste time" thirty or forty seconds later some kid comes out of a class and goes to his locker, then later that day I was walking to class behind the same kid who was talking to his friend and he said "Yeah, dude I just went to my locker and wasted time there for almost the whole class!" Another time at school I was sitting in class and in my head I heard the teacher saying "I hope they're ready for that pop quiz today!" Then the teacher got out a pop quiz and told us she hoped we paid attention in class. Then, before school one morning I woke up really early, like 4:40. I heard my friends voice in my head saying "I should text *name* and see if he keeps his phone on" Later that day at school she came up to me and told me about how she woke up around 4:40 and was bored, so she texted him and she woke him up.
I've also been having dreams that have been coming true too or sometimes while I'm awake a scene of something will flash through my mind and then later that week or the next day or even a few hours from then it will come true. Is this my imagination? Or is this real?