My name is Hayley. I am 13 years old and have a question. I feel guilty for a death. A death so very close to me. She was like another mother. I don't know what to call it, you could say insight, premonition, whichever word. Her name was Helen and she died in a fire the next morning of my "insight". I was at a dance, her daughter is my best friend. We call each other sisters. Anyway, her and I were chilling, dancing to a song. All of a sudden, I just saw her daughter, and she wasn't her, she was her mother. The song we were listening to was "Fire Burning-Sean Kingston". And because I am not strong in my abilities (I have seen into the future once before, my friend got hit by a truck, but that's another story) I did not realize and interpret what it meant. And I now feel guilty for her death, extremely guilty. So I now take it in liberty that I HAVE to watch over her daughter. I would go crazy if I couldn't. Her daughter is my age too, and it is hard now with high school coming up.
But the thing is, I haven't had any prophetic dreams, or in sights or anything since The day of Helen's death. Non, I barely even have dreams. And I feel blocked. Adding all this to the rest of my troubles in life, it hurts. I have been having headache's more often, and I am not sure if that's a sign. Does any one know if I am blocked? And is there anyone who can help me learn more? I would appreciate it so much. I realize that to grow stronger is not to learn more, but to understand it. But I don't, please write to this email is you have any information, you would be a great help.
He.silverphoenix - at