My interest in Psychic abilities has recently peeked my everyday life. I have had "visions" and dejavu type experiences in the past. My visions were only short few seconds long and were never of any real pressing or significant subjects... So I always suppressed them and never explored them. However lately I have had more visions and I have actually had them confirmed/validated by other people that what I'm seeing is facts.
I have seen past, present, and future. My visions seem to be getting stronger, more clear, and I can almost get them when I want. (before they were very random, and few in between) I experience waking visions. I have also started to experience feelings with my visions. I believe I have, at the age of 33, started to develop my "psychic awakening". Although I'm really not sure when or what triggered it. Only thing I can explain is it seems to be improving now that I have begun accepting it and working or talking my visions out.
I think I may be Clairvoyant and possibly an Empath? Can psychic awakening occur later in life without a significant event happening to trigger it? And what do you do with psychic abilities once you have them? (other then helping family and friends)
And meditate, but remember to cast a white protective light.