Ever since I moved into my house - it's been 7 years now, strange things have occurred. Vacuum cleaners suddenly turn on with no explanation. Lights flicker. One time, my dog mysteriously ended up locked inside her kennel with no reasonable explanation; however, the most odd is what happens every minute of every day since I've moved in.
I hear faint noises. Sometimes it sounds like a television playing off in the distance (I've actually walked through the entire house trying to see if there's one on somewhere but can never find anything.) Sometimes it sounds like music playing. It is always very faint, barely audible, just enough to annoy the hell out of me. I've often asked others if they can hear it - they always say they hear nothing. I know I'm not going crazy - although I've stopped mentioning it to people because they look at me like I am. Both feet are still firmly planted on the ground.
Has anyone had this type of experience or know what it might be? I am told the area in which we live was heavily inhabited by Indians for many years. Could it be that there are some burials beneath or nearby? I may be more sensitive to these sorts of things than others - I often am able to "feel" things before they happen. For example, I will reach for my phone to call someone and just as my hand touches it, it rings and it's them on the other end. Weird, huh?