I don't remember a lot of detail about what happened. This happened when I was 8 on a military base in England when I went to go visit my dad. I don't know how I met her, but she was my age and size. She had long brown hair, hazel eyes, and a dress. We played the entire day and took me to some places. I can't remember what she said when we were playing, but I know she mentioned some weird stuff. Then we were in the forest, it wasn't exactly a forest but had a lot of trees and bushes by the road.
We were standing behind a tree, and she said "Something evil is following you, be careful and stay away from it." That would be in the other story I wrote. She mentioned something about my life that was going to happen in the future. I have no idea if it was bad or good. Then she said "I have to go Jessica, it's been fun playing with you. I will see you one day again, bye..."
She walked away and I said wait, cause I wanted to tell her something, don't remember what lol. When I got around the corner, she disappeared. There was a highway road there, so I was really confus
Ed about that. I haven't seen or heard of her again.
I just want to know why I met her and if she was a ghost or not.