I'm 13 and my friend is 12 but we have been having these strange things happening to us such as: when my friend gets mad it will start to rain for about 20 minutes or until she's not mad, also it seems we both have some connection to water and air but one time we worked together and made a fire bigger and smaller.
The other day we went to a local physic and she said that we both had connections to the elements. Plus, we also need to know how we can develop these abilities and my friend is concerned because she is a Christian and magic is associated with the devil and the occult. So we are confused on what to do. My friend wants to know if our abilities are meant for good and if not how can she give them up.
We have been training and my strongest element is water, second being air. Lately, our arms have been aching and we have been sick with temperatures being about 98. 5 and that is a normal temperature right? Every time we have a dream it seems to come true. Also our moms have received premonitions and have had deja vu since they were little so is this something that occurs in our family. One time I went to a old house, I was feeling a presence and I later found out that house was considered haunted. We desperately need help.