I don't come to ask help off of you. Anybody. I was not completely lost always, I was just a bit skeptical. At first, I didn't even really notice it at first. As far as I knew, I was just really good at knowing people. Knowing myself, that was another story. It took a lot to really reevaluate and realize what I was. To be able to say it aloud. To myself even. I mean, there is no denying how silly it sounds at first. But I did it.
It started when I was a baby. I remember things back then. I remember a lot. For a two year old I understood too much of the world. I felt things a two year old shouldn't feel. Love, crushes, embarrassing things. I understand now that it wasn't mine to feel, but I did. My sister and I would be bored sometimes and play a game. She would hold all her nail polish colors on her side, grab one and ask which it was. I always got it right. Then, to make it more complicated. We tried combinations. I got it right again. I used to tell her that I could tell when guys liked her. I was about seven years old then. I knew I only had to stand a couple of feet away from him (the guy) and all of a sudden I would just know. Sometimes other things would come with it. I specialize in relationships. I can see the beginning and end of every one. That's how my sister uses me. Even though shes forgotten about what I did as a child, or just doesn't speak of it at all. (I had very little control over myself back then, so I gave in to my impulses).
Through middle school, it got really bad. I was sad all the time. My heart broke over and over again and I didn't even know why. This went on for four years. Until I woke up from it all. When I did, I realized a lot of things about myself. After spending four years inside my head, I knew too much, I couldn't stop my head from going on without me.
Awhile ago I met a girl at work. At the instant that I saw her, I hated her and didn't know why. It isn't normal for me to hate someone. Usually I love everyone. I know that sounds crazy, but its true. I do. After feeling everyone's pain, knowing everyone's story the way I do, I can't help but love them. Soon after meeting this girl, my best friend walked through the door and I could see why I hated her. She was about to have a relationship with him and break his heart. Over and over again. Also, another piece of information that slipped into my head: she had been pregnant before, gave up the baby when her boyfriend left her.
Sometimes, I just know things. Things that no one has told me, yet I know. I understand.
Sometimes I feel things so strongly, that I can't control myself.
I feel urges to kiss a guy that's just a friend. Then, I realize I was standing too close to a friend of mine, and he is her boyfriend. Some times it feels invasive and I wish I could get it out, get myself under control. Because sometimes I can't tell what's true and what's not. What belongs to me and what doesn't. This is why I have no relationships at all. Have you ever felt someones love so strongly that you think its your own? I have. But I just can't love someone because they love me. Its not fair. If that means I can't date, then, oh well.
I've gotten a lot of control over my empathy but at the same time, I'm scared when it dims down. Its a part of me, and without it, I feel too human. Its an advantage and I can't live without that part of me. I want to learn to make it stronger. There's another part to me, but ill explain that later.
but when the feelings are for bad happenings. Then they can play on your mind. You are given these feelings to help others so use them.