If anyone has read my comments or anything I've written trying to help someone else understand their gifts, you've probably read that I influence things.
I'm okay with it, but now I want to know if I'm just getting lucky or if it's a coincidence, or if I am influencing things.
This is one of my most recent experiences with influencing things, and probably the strongest thing I've done, or has happened to me.
A couple of weeks ago I looked in the mirror. I don't have an acne problem, just zits, or black heads. And enough to drive me crazy.
At this time, I was curious. Could I influence myself to have clear skin without using cleansers, or anything other then water?
So everyday, at least for times, I chanted and focused on my skin.
"Clear skin, clean skin. Clear skin, clean skin..." Over and over, and I did this at breakfast, during lunch, at recess and when I was lying in my bed. Even any given time I was bored.
And for a while, my skin began clearing up. But then I started getting to bed later (sleep deprivation started about five days ago), and had less sleep, and I stopped chanting, and I broke out again.
I think I've influenced other things, but on a much smaller scale. I'm also fairly sure that I'm not controlling anyone's mind, so I have no clue what's happening.
The other thing I'm unsure about is if I control wind. I'm pretty sure I can, but it only works sometimes, and I'm very bad at it.
So, if anyone can tell me how to test if I can control wind, even at a small degree, if anyone understands the influencing, how it works, I'd love some help with this.
And Mizzy, I'll check that up too, but I don't think the subtle ghosts are involved.