My whole life I felt different. I always felt like I was meant to do something special. Even though I was very loved by my family I just didn't feel like I fit in. Growing up I always knew if someone was lying to me or trying to manipulate me. Just by meeting someone I'd be able to tell if they were a good or bad person. I would be able to know something before it occurred. I just thought I had a strong intuition. I guess you can say I've always kind of known I was psychic just never looked into it. I always felt like someone was watching me but no one was ever there. My grandmother told me I had an imaginary friend who I'd talk to for hours. She told me she thought it was a little odd it seemed like I was talking to a real person. The conversations were so in detail. Used to always think ghosts were following me as a kid.
Just recently I discovered my great grandmother and her mother were psychics. I started doing as much research as I could. I moved into a new apartment and I came into some ghosts. I kept feeling this strange sensation on my face it felt like a spider web or a piece of hair but nothing is ever there. I also get this strange pressure on my left eye. What does that mean? I also get this weird pulsating in my ear. It sounds like a heartbeat it comes and goes through out the day. I noticed that my face gets re hot every time my ear pulsates.
I started working on my meditating, but every time I get completely relaxed I have these images in my head. These images have nothing to do with my life it's like I'm watching someone's life. The images aren't complexly clear and there quick. Once I saw a woman with a shotgun on her wedding day, another one was a little girl hugging her grandmother. The scariest one was a man getting electrocuted. What are these images?
Growing up it was hard for me. I would be in good mood one minute the next I'm freaking out. My mom just thought I was having mood swings. I never paid any attention to it until now. I realized I'm able to pick up on other peoples energies. I was reading a book completely relaxed the other day and all of a sudden I felt rage take over me. I was furious and my face was red hot. I went to go find my boyfriend and he's on the phone fighting with someone and his face was bright red just like mine. I realized I was picking up his mood.
I've just been looking for insight and answers. Any suggestions? I'm trying to distinguish between my own thoughts and my inner higher self. Can you give me some pointers please? Thank you!