Not sure where to start. So first off... I get these feelings about people. As soon as I meet them, I know right away, whether they are bad for me or good for me. I know if I can trust them. Some say I am a good people reader but its more then that cause I find myself warning only CERTAIN friends of theirs to be cautious!? (it is rare I get involved in peoples business but I feel like I should tell them when I do feel negative things) I'm usually right either the person gets hurt emotionally if they don't stay away or they see what would have happened if they stayed in the friendship!
Secondly, some days I just get these feelings. For instance the other day I could not stop thinking about death, it was like weighing on me I even looked up a psychic to see if she could tell me if there was something bad happening. It was as soon as I woke up I felt this feelings then after about an hour I got a call that I needed to come home for a family emergency and there was a death.
- Another time I hadn't talked to an old guy friend in months and months one day I felt like I missed him a lot and I took one of my girl friends to this place that he would take me. While we were there. He called (this sort of thing happens all the time with him too).
- I also find myself having strong feelings about what will happen when things are up in the air and each side is equal! Or I talk about one side of it like "when it happens" or "this will happen" and then I'm right!
- I went to a psychic to get my cards read on my birthday and before I left he was telling me about how I can read what I am going to go through and he kept saying you KNOW this and then gave me all this info on courses to go to on how to read things!?
I don't what these feelings are and how to read them if they are real! Help!?