Not too long I sort of found out that I'm "different" from others. I have somewhat of a telekinetic "talent". I've done the psi wheel thing and I've succeeded many times before. The thing is, I can't control it. I can make it move, but I just can't control the direction it goes in.
I've tried to focus and see it moving the way I want it to go but no luck. All it does it sort of spin half-way clockwise and then half-way counter clockwise and then it gets all wobbly. After I practice doing it for a while, I can just look at and it starts to move. Some people would see that as a great achievement but for it's a lack of control because when I look at it, I don't want it to move and it makes wonder that what if my talent grows stronger and I can control it what will happen? What if I hurt someone or something; or even myself?
All I'm asking is for some tips to help control it while its still in my control somewhat. I have tried to meditate but all I do is get sleepy and go to bed (lol). Also, if I get a headache/migraine while practicing, could that affect it and if so, how could it?
P.S. Can someone give me some EASY telekinesis exercises because I have tried other and the only one I can do is the psi wheel...=\