I'm not sure if there is anything I want to get out of telling this other than I guess just telling it and to get other people who are familiar with esp/telepath/paranormal reactions.
So my husband's friend (he's become my friend as well), I'll call him Nick, stays with us at least twice a month to hang out. He and I have a weird connection that I can't describe. I'm not in-love with him (I love my husband!) but there is just something there between us that I can't seem to figure out what it is. We finish each others sentences, we sign online at the same time (all the time), even the other day I had mentioned to my husband that they should start a cover band and that there first song should be ___, when he told Nick he said okay but just so you know we're not doing ____ before my husband could even tell him the song I had picked. Out of the millions of songs this song isn't even the type of music we listen to and he knew which one I was thinking of! One night I felt worry for him. I texted him (we don't text often) and he was drunk and upset. The other night he said something that tripped me up to think about our weird connection. I was just staring at the tv but he turned and asked me, "Is everything okay? I just got a weird vibe from you".
I've done some reading on esp/telepathy and saw a theory that people who suffer from anxiety are working on a higher brain frequency and this could be the cause. I've also read that we could have been friends/lovers in a past life. Either way before I really got to know him, I felt I knew him. Part of me feels really guilty because I think about this/him a lot now. So much so I've tried avoiding him or even talking about him to my husband and friends.
I don't want to talk about this connection with him because I feel it would be inappropriate.
What do you think?