This is really awkward but I really need feed back in this, so here goes. Last few months I have been getting de ja vu constantly until I just got it every day then it got stronger, more and more intense and way more often. Then about a week ago I randomly meet a girl that was a friend of a friend. I don't know why, but I like her, and it's really awkward to say that, I literally liked her since the moment I met her. And every time I see her I get de ja ve about her, sometimes I can literally finish her sentences in my head, it's creepy.
I asked her if some how I knew her, but there's no way she's not even from here and I was born and raisied here. Her name is SO familiar, yet I have never known anyone with her first or even last name. I even told her the part how she gives me de ja vu and asked if I somehow knew her, her response was, "Not in this lifetime, maybe in a different one but we meet now so that's good." I just naturally trust her and we get along but when I'm around her its like were magnets. Either it's like we're drawn together by some force or we're like repellant to each other. I don't understand why I feel like I knew her a long time ago from a place far away and especially why I like her. It's really weird.
My friend, who has a bit of 6th sense, or 3rd eye, and I got into talking about it and I still never told her that I like that person, and she said maybe we were lovers in a past life, which is creepy and weird, some one please offer thoughts to me on this. I can't get this out of my head.