I don't know what I am! I know I'm special, or unique or different, or whatever you want to call, it but please help me figure myself out!
I am a writer, and when I write, the things that happen to my characters start happening in real life! To people I know! They read what I've written and say that the same thing just happened to them. I don't know if I'm causing this or if it's just happening, but it's gone on too long to be a coincidence.
I often will start thinking of something, as well as write something, then whatever I was thinking happens. For example, I'll be thinking of something that I wish my teacher would let us do. Then, right at that moment, it'll happen. Another example is when I'm thinking of someone or something and suddenly, whoever is around me will start to talk about that thing.
One more weird thing that happened to me a long time ago was and extreme sense of deja vu. I was at a camp and had just arrived. Never before had I seen the place, but I knew exactly what it would look like when I got there. At the time, I didn't think it was anything strange, but now, with all these other events, I don't know what's wrong.
Please try and help me. I don't know what's wrong with me. Thanks in advance.
So, relax. Focus on the details of your ability and the knowledge you need will come soon enough.