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I Taught Myself Telekinesis?


My name is Gianna and I am 15 years old. I am an empath and I am also clairvoyant. One thing that strikes my interest lately is telekinesis. I 100% believe in it and everything about being "different". I have grown up to believe that telekinesis is only a lie, though. That it is full of trickery and strings and magic curtains. So I decided to take it upon myself to figure it out. I made a PSI wheel, switched my fan off and made sure everything was quiet.

Now, when I first tried I got nothing at all. But at about the 4th try it wobbled a little. Then it took me at least 7 more tries until it finally wobbled quite a bit more! I became so excited, then I read I should not have my hands near it as heat from my hands can get it to move. I took my hands away and tried again. This took a lot more time. I walked away and rested for a little and decided to do some concentration exercises. This led me to seeing auras for the first time!

After seeing an aura I became quiet excited and decided to give it another go. This time I sat farther away and kept my hands away from it. It seemed like only seconds passed when I suddenly saw kind of a bubble of light almost around it and it began to wobble violently! I calmly closed my eyes and pictured it spinning. I opened them quickly enough just in time to see it finishing one spin! I became ecstatic! It then stopped when I got too excited. When I tried again it began to wobble and almost spin. Without moving my hands position I twitched my fingers a little and it started to move even more and I felt the energy of the object moving and pushing it.

I was also aware that there was no glass casing around the PSI wheel. I did keep an eye on it and every now and then and it did NOT move at all except when I tried to move it. I also have an intense headache towards the front of my head. Is there anything I can do to treat this?

Now my question is, "Is it really possible to teach yourself telekinesis so quickly?!" It only took about 1 hour to get it to spin once around! Or could it be a random wind gust in my room that only decided to blow whenever I wanted the wheel to move?

Thank you for your answers! - Gianna

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Gia, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Psionic (3 stories) (70 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-29)
I agree with DeaLetum, meditation is always good when practicing telekinesis. I remember 4 years ago and now, when I was doing telekinesis training, meditation does help.
Brittblood (2 stories) (3 posts)
15 years ago (2009-09-30)
I would love to be able to control mine so easily. You seem to be sensitive to many things. Which is good, just keep it in check. I also get a major headache when I use mine. My head starts throbbing and I try to push the pain outward, and I have found you can move things around you a little by doing so. I would love to hear more about your experience though, and see if we can give each other advice.
cyopathic (5 stories) (513 posts)
15 years ago (2009-09-27)
Well for Empathsam this is a site about psychics and us sharing are experinces or abilitys so yes of course you are going to hear some spirtual "mombo jumbo" and some spirtual crap but I don't like how you used the theroy of rotation and gravty I am a scientfic person but using your mind to slow things down or up is only possible on how you think of it. So what you are bascily saying is that you want a scientfic answer well I have nothing aganst your religon because when you put "christian" then I thought well sounds like you want a debate but yes time can speed up and slow down but it is a earth thing and how you discribe it like space if there was to twins who where both female and on was a astronaut and the other was your average stock broker the one in space spent 5 years in space and the other on the ground the one in space would not age she would stay the same since in "psychil theroy" since there is no time in space just earth I got a lot but please discribe what you are looking for I do not want to aruge about this if you want a scientfic answer then just ask and we will try are best.
snagi (9 posts)
15 years ago (2009-09-27)
brain has a lot of ways to express this it goes after the person you know it spezilation you know no-one is exactly the same same goes with mind and spirit
Empathsam (3 stories) (109 posts)
15 years ago (2009-09-27)
No idea about the headaches. As some people here know, I DO NOT, NOR WILL ACCEPT any mumbo jumbo mojo spirital crap. I am christian, and I think that we just have these. Telekinesis I think goes with the theory of using full brain capacity. Seeing the future, at all, I think has truth. I have had dreams before. Did you hear about that rich Man last Name Beck who crashed and died flying a ultraluight plane? I had a dream that pointed towards plane crash. Telekinesis? After 1 hour I only slowed down a battery moving on a slope. But unnatural slowing down. Every other control it sped up.
lilmissgigi96 (1 stories) (20 posts)
15 years ago (2009-09-26)
ooooppsy I mean PSI wheel. My baaad! Hehe I'm so weird. My name is Giana too! That's cooky!
lilmissgigi96 (1 stories) (20 posts)
15 years ago (2009-09-26)
What I'd really like to know is how to make a PSI ball. A lot of people talk about them and I'm interested. Oh speaking of excersices oooo I'm no good at spelling...anyways I need t o meditate I haven't in a while.
Tessalovesmusic (3 stories) (72 posts)
15 years ago (2009-09-24)

I tried your version I can make it spin, but the thing it I do it when I'm not focused of it. Weird as that is, but meditation is easy I usually use some calm music, a candle and incense to calm me down. Its good to do it in the morning before the stress hits you from the busy day ahead. If you want you can just smudge the room as well with white sage, a great purifier by the way I highly suggest it. But just take 5 minutes a day at first to just sit down relax and think about something stress free, go to your happy place, the head ache often happens when you've meditated to or past your limit. Stop once you feel the head ache coming.

Blessed Be, ❤
cyopathic (5 stories) (513 posts)
15 years ago (2009-09-23)
Hmm invesabile friends they still scare me abit I rember a ryme I had in a dream or vishion I was in my grandmas garagish geto place where we keep the cars then there was a fire in the middle with children singing. We are the children who make you crie we will allways be here for you so when you are feeling blue we will be watching you so be nice and play fair and don't be scared They started to tug on me and asked if I liked it here I said I don't really but I have to take care of my family But I will say more in my next storie.
Gia (1 stories) (2 posts)
15 years ago (2009-09-23)

Thank you so much for your advice! My little cousin "has invisible friends" as she puts it. She did say that one of them was a little girl in a grey dress. I have seen her, too, at my house. I did not see her or feel her presence at the time, though. I have been working on it all day and can now just look at the PSI wheel and make it move back and forth. I will deff try to contact the little girl in some way and figure it all out ^_^
cyopathic (5 stories) (513 posts)
15 years ago (2009-09-23)
Well I am a little mad right now due to a poor choice at practice today but it was not my fault you see telkiness is a very hard thing to learn but I was afraid I knew what I was going to read it said in your paragraph that you really wanted to find out if it is true. Well it is and you can teach yourself it but what I don't like about it is that when you really want to learn something with the uknown it kicks you down. Well like this for example if you are playing with this stuff making it want to work someone else might make it work usally kind of common people really want to get this and use prayer and religon and gets all mixed up but what I am mainly saying is becarful spirts do notice if you take this to serously it can psychicly or mentaly hurt you.
Gia (1 stories) (2 posts)
15 years ago (2009-09-23)

That's wonderful that I could be of some help! Let me know how it goes once you've tried it 😆

Do you have any advice for meditation? I always end up with a headache I'm obviously doing something wrong 😕
Tessalovesmusic (3 stories) (72 posts)
15 years ago (2009-09-23)
That's great that you can do it. I can only make mine wobble a little. I have taken it upon myself to take meditation lessons. Which are working, sort of. I can concentrate on something for too long then I start to space out then I forget what I'm doing. I'm going to try doing what you did. I can't believe I couldn't think of it. Lol

Blessed be, ❤
DeaLetum (3 stories) (20 posts)
15 years ago (2009-09-23)
it is possible to teach yourself. That's how I learned. I believe you did it yourself. One time I tried to do it and I couldn't get the object to move, but I tried it recently, and I was able to move it! You should meditate. It would be good to enhance your abilities with that, if you want to.

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