I am currently trying to develop my psychic abilities. I use crystals and tarot cards and meditate. I also run an online psychic development web site. My abilities: I can see the beginnings of auras. I have dreams and can sense atmospheres. I had one out of body experience when I was 3, I saw myself on the road (I fell out of a moving car) and saw an oncoming lorry and when I got back in my body, I moved out of the way as I knew they was a lorry coming to hit me as I had seen it from birds eye view.
I also can sense when someone is going to come to my house or ring. I can sense thunderstorms coming and I have had one visit from my deceased grandmother. But recently I have been affecting electrical equipment, I have had to buy a new phone and get my computer repaired and I really can't afford it.
If any one knows anything about this and/or knows how to control it please help or wants to help with any thing else please reply. Thanks in advance.
I've gotten people to feel like they're being hugged, been able to convey thoughts without even being in the same room as them, given people feelings so they could understand when I didn't have the words to explain things.
I can tell when I'm being watched, tell what mood everyone around me is in, tell who's nearby, tell when someone is going to call me or text me, and I can tell what all is using energy in the house.
I'm not sure, but sometimes I feel like I can tell what people and animals are thinking. Whenever I'm outside, I can feel some kind of weird energy from all the plants as well as all the people and animals.
I tend to make things quit working when I flinch. From cyclists who landed too close after a jump to people running around with paintball guns, they're rudeness tends to backfire on them. I also keep blowing the breakers in my house when I get upset or scared.
Right now, I'm trying to see if I can't shut off my alarm clock at will. That one would be useful. 😆