For many years I have been dreaming, feelings, guessing, speaking in a different language but mostly giving messages to others.
This happens on and off. About 4 years ago I started reading books on psychic dreaming and intuition, this was after I found out through messages that I was adopted. I then had to find my birth parents and was guided through psychicness, I found them.
During this period I found my psyche to be so clear and very bright, I met someone that I called my soul mate, I dreamed a lot with his occurrences and would predict his future events, such as: birth of twins, his wife losing babies, a song that would be recorded, I also found him straying around, so many things that it was scary. I definitely felt a strong connection with him. I also have been visited by my husbands' family that are passing and I am his messenger after I tell him my dream the next day someone in his family that is abroad have past.
Recently I had not had too many episodes until I went on a cruise, I was scared to be in my stateroom and when I would sleep felt perturbed and anxious, I would see a foggy like shadow and then saw a man with a hat and white camisette, I thought I had too much to drink but then my son had a nightmare and told me he saw a grave that said Ms. Johnson. I told my friend that I think someone passed on the ship in my room because of what I saw. Mrs. Johnson was a principal in my older daughters school, and when I got back from the trip, there was a message that stated that the other principal of the school had passed. I felt that my son was the messenger of the principal's death.
I went to the funeral and prayed next to the principal's casket. I suddenly felt dizzy and head felt numb back of my shoulders were tense and I had a strong urge to drink coffee, I feel that I was connecting with his spirit only I don't know for sure. I got out of there and went straight to have coffee I then... fond out the next day that the principal had digestive problems and although he took good care of his eating habits, he loved to drink coffee and was always drinking it.
I also looked online to see if anyone had passed on the ship that I cruised and I was right, 2 gentlemen passed due to heart failure which is what I felt. So... I think that I am definitely ready to grow a little more but not sure if this spirituality comes in bits and pieces. There are so many incidents that I've had, all different and so many people that are similar come into my life, I'm just absorbing everything and definitely want to be ready this way I will be able to help people.
I would like to know if this is how medium psychic is developed or how can I find out if I am a medium psychic.
Thank you.