My name is Giana and I'm 13 years old. I can feel the presence of the deceased.
When I was 5 or 6 my Gram died. I was very close to her. Nines months or so later I woke up to go to the bathroom. When I got to my hall way, I saw something or someone standing at least five feet away. I noticed it was my Gran by her curly strawberry-blond short hair, her big eyes, round glasses, hot pink lips, and other facial features, who was standing in front of my brothers' door. My twin brothers were just born. She was watching over them. And after that I couldn't remember anything else.
Another couple months past by. My family was sitting in our living room talking about ghost experiences. My sister told us that she had seen my Gram, too. But I knew that couldn't happen. I was young and I couldn't understand then and I can't now either.
My new house also has some activity. I was nine and just about to go to bed. I opened my eyes just as something appeared in front of my closet. It was a man wearing construction boots and old jeans. I couldn't see his face. The man seemed solid, too.
I ran downstairs and told my Papa, who was babysitting my brothers, sister and me.
I'm always willing to lend an ear and knowledge. Feel free to email me at any time.