I hope that this is taken seriously, most people don't believe me. I would like to know what it means to have dreams and then they would happen in real life. I would have a dream, for example, looking at a book in the bookstore with my girlfriend and it would come true. Sometimes within a week and up to 5 yrs, but I always remember and then in the dream; telling my girlfriend about telling her in the dream about the dream. Does that make sense? Sometimes it's really an overlapping thing and can be confusing. This hasn't happened to me once or twice, but HUNDREDS of times. A conservative guess would be between 400-600 times, as far back as I can remember.
The 12:34 thing, for as long as I can remember, I have noticed the numbers. Sometimes it happens once a week, sometimes 6-8 times. Then again, sometimes I'll go 3 weeks without seeing it. This has happened to me well over a thousand times. It sounds ludicrous, but it's all true and I don't understand it. I doesn't really bother me or consume my thought's as to why this all is happening, I'm just used to it. I'm 32, grew-up in a free Methodist household in Pa. I'm not looking to have the dreams interpreted because most of the time they don't have any real significance, I'm more curious to what it is and how common is it to have happened that frequently. I don't know where to get answers for this, so I hope that you can shed some light on this issue.
Thank you and have a wonderful day.
Chris - at - channelcoastcorp.com