Many times at night, I'll hear noises and I think someone is breaking in. But there never is. I hate being left alone because I think I will be either kidnapped, raped, or killed and I don't want that to happen. Sometimes when I'm asleep, I will have dreams of being killed, raped, and kidnapped by the SAME man that I've never seen before and he always (in my dreams) drives the same black pick-up truck with a wooden thing attached to the back of it. What is it called? I know that one day when I'm alone, one of my dreams will happen and I don't want that to happen because I see that truck driving around my neighborhood and I can never get a good look at the man driving the black truck of the man driving it And in my nightmares of that same guy, when I'm being taken away or killed, I always hear this long and loud cat meowing, and then I see it, it is my loving cat Aya. I think she is my animal guide to the dead because she is dead. And, lately, I've been seeing her in my mirror and in one of my corners at night and when she meows, it seems like I know what she is saying. I know she is the one who is going to protect me from my
Nightmares happening, but she can't stop fate, or can she?
Am I really Paranoid or am I Psychic?