I've tried to interpret this things the normal way, it didn't really work. Then I've tried ignoring what I was feeling that ended in a bad way so I'm just going to talk and please explain this stuff to me because I'm very confused.
Call me Nikki. I'm a student, I'll turn 20 in 3 days. I'm not really what you call a religious person. I have problem sleeping at night. Well who doesn't? No insomniac can sleep at night but my problem is that I can sleep early but I always wake up at 3 in the morning, scared to death.
Alright I'm jumping to recent stuff, I'll start from the beginning.
I've always had morbid dreams as long as I can remember. When I was a kid I dreaded going to sleep. I still remember certain dreams. My first supernatural experience was, when I was 7-8 years old.
We used to live in a house with only two rooms, a kitchen and a hall. One night I kind of felt that someone came out of the kitchen. I didn't see them but I sort of felt their presence. I thought it was my dad. They stumbled on my foot and I opened my eyes. I saw a shadow going through our wall. My dad was sleeping beside me and that thing went into the wall, I was scared to death.
I always rely on my feeling or intuition. I feel if a place is bad or what the other person is feeling. You can say I'm empathic. I've had some dreams come true, which was sort of weird.
When we moved to this house we started seeing someone walk in front of our kitchen window towards our door but when we went out there was no one. My mom says she see the shadow of a guy some times. I always see a blurred person, like in a really bad photo.
Sometimes I feel pressure on my bed like someone's sitting on it when when I turn on the light it's empty. I started waking up at 3 am since we got here. Also since we moved here I've had dreams about snakes all the time. They were in episodes, it sounds funny but its scary, they always try to kill me and there's someone, I don't know who, always saves me. The dreams the always start where the last dream ended.
I know it sounds crazy, even to me it does.
Well last year I had a 6 month internship in another city. It was my day off and I remember it was 8 in the morning. Me and my roomie, we were still in bed. Something rushed through the door and jumped on my bed. I remember every moment of it. It sat on my chest. It's one knee was on my left arm the other was on my collarbone and it was holding my right arm with its hand. It's other hand was choking me. I couldn't move, couldn't make a sound. I couldn't even open my eyes. I knew everything that was happening in the room. My roommate was chatting on her phone, it was like I could see her. It took all my strength but I managed to utter the first syllable of her name, it was almost inaudible but the thing vanished. I could breathe again. It seems almost funny now being scared at 8 in themorningthe morning.
And its 4am right now and I'm really sleepy but I'm not going to sleep until the sun comes up.
I feel safe in my house but I'm moving again next month and I'm going to live alone for 2 years. And I'm worried that the thing will show up again. How can I get rid of it? Help me out guys.