My name is Angelica and I was just wondering about some weird things I noticed and was wondering if anyone could help me develop my abilities, or maybe just talk to me a little and reassure me. I am 13 years old and I can't really tell my friends about this, if I don't want them to think I'm crazy, and my family wouldn't believe at all either.
So one of the things that happened was that I was sitting in the car with my mom, and then I just blurted out that I had used a new toothpaste (really random) and it turns out my mom had just been about to say that my teeth looked really white today, but she thinks it was a coincidence. Also, I was playing monopoly with my cousins and sister, and I called the numbers they would roll and got it right every time I guessed but they still think that was a coincidence too. Also I have been seeing these little circle shaped things floating around my whole life, but I never even thought about it until read the article about "orbs", and they are always sort of floating downwards. And I had dreams of random things ever since I was little, and they only started coming true now, as far as I've noticed at least, like parts of a slideshow that I watched in science class. And when I was in the fifth grade I predicted the weather and got it right evry time, and my family accused me of watching the weather channel, which I didn't because I didn't watch much tv.
But one of the things I was most concerned about is that when I'm in my room at night, sometimes I'll wake up in the middle of the night but a couple of times, I would decide to get up and get some water or something, but when I sat up, then everything would go black and I know for sure I didn't faint because I've fainted before and my mind goes blank but this time I distinctly remeber still being able to think and I was scared and worried I had become paralyzed, and I felt pressure on my body, and I stayed like that for about thirty seconds and then I could see and the feeling in body was back. It has happened twice, and most recently a few months ago, and I have told spirits to go away whenever I felt someone presnt, gosh I know I sound cheesy, and it hasn't happened since.
So I don't think it will happen again, but if someone could please PLEASE help me a little, because I have absolutely no one to talk about this, and I am feeling a little isolated.
PS I'm so sorry this is so long...