I have had different things happen to me over the years that seem to be pointing me in a direction. I had a dream a few nights ago that has drove me to look for some answers. Without going into details to start with, I had a dream that I felt and saw being in an airplane and it being dark and then feeling the fear as I felt the feeling of falling.
There are other things in the dream that I recall that are clear to me that I am not sure how to talk about on here as of yet. To my complete shock, as I walked around the next morning after the dream, my son was on the computer at the table, and he says, "Hey, did you see there was a plane crash last night?" My heart about came out of my chest. I thought NO WAY, but as minutes went by I told my family about my dream. I keep thinking I must have felt, or did I feel a person on that plane that night? I keep thinking about the reasons I'd be someone that would have this gift. It seems like I should do something about it but I have no idea what to do. It all seems too unreal and I mean no disrespect to any survivors but I have too many unanswered questions.
If anyone has any info about the possibilities of someone's dreams being someone else's life, please tell me where to look to find those answers.