It's something I've always been able to do, ever since I was a small child. I could look at person and feel whether they were happy or sad, etc. I wouldn't ask them, but this feeling would just come over me.
It's been like this and it's just grown stronger in the last couple of years. Something I don't understand is that quite often I can talk to someone I barely know and if there is something important on their mind more often then not they will tell me about it. Alright, when I say important I mean like death of a loved one, grief, break-up, cheating partner.
For example, there is this girl and for privacy sake we'll call her Robin. I'd never met Robin but we're Facebook friends. I added her and she accepted but we never had a conversation. Anyway, she broke up with her boyfriend. So I asked what happened and we started conversing and in ten hours I'd gotten all of her problems with him, her cell number, she even said and I quote "You're a better friend than my friends and I don't even know you." Remember this is someone I just started talking to that day. We still keep in touch here and there and if ever something comes up again she knows she can talk to me.
Another example would be about my friend we shall call Tommy. He and I have only known each other for about 5 months. I'd gotten some bad news about one of my friends, she'd been beaten and assaulted but she was alive. This was about 3 months into the friendship. He consoled me and he told me about his friend who'd passed. He talked about his grief and his regret and he's only spoken about it to one other person, the other person being a life long friend of his.
Something else that happens is if I start talking to a person, sometimes it's like we have this vibe. I'm not talking about chemistry it's deeper. It doesn't happen with everyone but every once in awhile I'll find somebody and sometimes they tell me about their entire life. Kind of random, considering have the conversations are with people I barely know.
The last thing is when something happens to my friends, something that causes emotional pain, I feel it. I could be at my house and all of a sudden feel sad and find out someone had broken up or they just are in a bad situation and I get what I feel is a 5 pound weight pressing on the my chest.
I just want to know why me? What power is this or do I even have one? Will this better or worse? I need some advice. Please and thank you.