I live in New York, but my fiance and I decided to take a trip to visit a friend in Chicago for the weekend. Our friend lives in an older building that has been divided up into apartments in the Wicker part area of Chicago.
During the early morning hours of the second day, I woke up to the sense of someone standing behind me and whispering to me. At this point, I am unable to move my body or speak. I could, however, move my eyes. I looked down the hall and saw a young boy with a backpack on standing faced towards the wall. Then, within a minute or so I was fine and the boy was gone.
I passed it off as being a dream until my fiance spoke of the same experience. My fiance grew up in a home with a Shaman and has spoken of many good and bad experiences with spirits. The fact that he found the experience disturbing prompted me to ask my friend if he had had any strange experiences. He responded that he experienced the same thing several times since he moved into the apartment.