I have always had a little bit of deja vu, but I never paid too much attention to it. But now I think there could be more to it than just deja vu. When I have deja vu I just freeze up, then its like over within minutes. I mean is it just deja vu or something more?
I knew my sister in law had a miscarriage before she even told me about it. I saw us sitting on the couch talking about it, and when it happened we were wearing the same thing has in my deja vu, and we were sitting in the same positions. Everything was the same as in my deja vu.
I have had a few more deja vu experiences. At first they were only lasting for seconds, but my previous one lasted for minutes.
And when I meet a new person it's like I can feel rather their good or bad. I have experienced that feeling with a few people and they have all turned out to be bad people.
I never really paid to much attention to paranormal stuff and stuff like that. But here lately it's like I'm drawn to it.
Today I had a deja vu moment and it really hit me. Its like I couldn't speak through the whole thing, I was looking around and everything felt like I've seen it all. It really took me out of my element.
I just would like to know if the deja vu is some kind of ability or if it's something different.