I think I'm psycic. I'm see, hear, smell and feel strange things. It was only the other night I had gone to bed and after ten minutes I could smell strong mens aftershave, then after about five minutes it went.
I always see shadows and I somehow know that they are mocking me. I feel they are taking advantage of my youth. As I'm only 14.
I usually feel a tap on my shoulder or a playfull tug on my hair but it dosent scare me anymore. It sometimes is violent though, I have often been harshly poked or shoved. That always upsets me.
I'm getting worried because every so often I hear my name being called and people talking. When I came back from school a couple of weeks ago I thought my mum was home because I heard her yell at me from upstairs welcomming me home. It took me about half an hour to realise that she wasn't even home at all and I was quite nervous.
When I'm at my grandad's house I know that I am never alone. I even have a picture of me when I'm there with a blurry black and white head above mine.
I also had a dream that my hamster would die by falling on his back. Two days later he broke his back and died.
Should I be worried? I'm getting very upset and scared thinking about how I have been pushed and shoved and I'm sure its not good.
Thank you for reading my story and I will pay attention to all comments.
I am now 58 years old and have experienced much of what you have. I started 20 years ago. I had pokes and my toes being pulled my bad go down as if someone was sat on it.
Of course it scares you, we are only human after all, and it is the unknow. However as someone else has said, they want you to be scared, do not let them win. You are stronger than they are. Try protecting yourself and your house with white light.
Just relax and ask in the the name of the Lord for the highest possible spiritual light scources to fill you with a white light from your heavens star to your earth star. Imagine yourself being filled slowly with this white light until you mare full of it. Then ask to be grounded with roots of the white light from your feet into the Mother arth holding and grounding you. Then ask to be surrounded by a violet light totally sealed in it for full protection. Then do the same to the house with the white light then the violet light.
Do this every night, it is a great protection. They do not like the light. If they appear again just be strong and say to them, " I command you in the name of the Lord to leave my personal space now"
They should go. They sound to me like playful spirits only, but they should not be here. It is not their time or place.
If this fails, but I am sure it will work, but if they will not leave, you can get a spiritual Medium in and he/she will move them on to the spirit world. That will cost your Mum about £25.
I hope that helps. But do not worry. It is a test for all of us, and you will be great at all of this once you learn to be in charge of it.
God Bless