My grandson finally admitted to his mom today that he has been seeing both shadow people and spirits that apparently have not passed. Ever since hearing about this today, I have been googling my head off and found this site. The shadow figures he describes are exactly as I read about them online. Today he made his mom aware that he is also seeing older people dressed in older fashioned clothes. I hope this post is read by someone who could guide me on what to do.
My grandson does have adhd but due to side effects we elected not to medicate him, but based on what he has told us, I'm not ready to share this with a head doctor. Please any advice on children/shadow people and spirits that have not passed would be greatly appreciated.
My grandson told his Mom today that this has been going on since he was five (he is now 9), but was afraid to come out and say anything. This all came out in school today and when they arrived home and drove into the driveway and got out of the car, Hunter froze and started crying. His Mom said, "What's wrong Hunter?" Hunter said, "Don't you see that man staring out the window of the home across the street?" His mom of course said no, and Hunter said, "You see, that is why I never told you."
This was a person described to be greyish in color bald head and an older gentleman.
1st Belive him abd adhd probaly means hes an indigo like me
2nd Tell him to meditate
3rd Teach him how to shield
4th Tell him to tell thim to leave him alone and they probaly will
5th Tell him to read the bible and pray