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Real Psychic Experiences

Three Of My Visions


I'm not sure on how to start this out but here goes. There are times in which I see the future. It has happened more than once, and I will explain a few of them.

Two years ago, when I was still living in Arizona, I had 3 visions of my friend getting murdered and about 2 weeks later his sister came over to tell me that he was murdered that night.

Another time is when I was in Helena, and I had a vision of my best friend getting arrested for M.I.P., and 2 days later a friend calls me and tells me that's what happened.

The most recent is of my ex-girlfriend. The day before she broke up with me I had a vision of the guy she broke up with me for, hurting her (emotionally), and I found out 3 weeks ago that he hurt her emotionally.

I've had more than these 3, but I remember them the most. I'm not sure if it's normal, or what. It sometimes scares me, but is kind of nice to know.

My visions take place in my sleep, and I am not shown, I just see it happen, and there is like a border around it that is a fuzzy white.

Feel free to ask any questions, and have discussions, as I'm going to take place in them. I have no control in the visions either, but I wish I did.

This is my first post here.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Upyers, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Upyers (1 stories) (6 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-06)
Mine is always white, but I don't remember if I have had a good one, I'm pretty sure I haven't though
Furallicah (29 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-04)
Mine are strange at times sometimes there's is a border like upyers says but I find that when its good its white and when its bad black I don't know its weird.
Upyers (1 stories) (6 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-04)
Around what I am seeing is like a white blur (like a border) and I have no clue on what causes them ether
vendettaBabes (3 stories) (335 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-04)
so, then how do you know when you are having a vision? For example, I know when my empathy is working because I sortof get a little rmbling or "tingle" in my stomach. What about you?

Yes, I'm over-curious. LOL
Upyers (1 stories) (6 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-04)
Sorry it took me so long to reply, was parting (for hallowean), well sometimes I can concentrat on something and have a dream about it, but my visions sometimes have nothing to do with what think about that day
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-03)
Furall - thanks for responding; I wondered if was my imagination, but has happened lately. I told myself a month or two ago to focus more on people and family around me, and boom, have had more about them than about world events. So we have some control in this way on what we "see" at night it seems. Glad to know others are the same. I'm just now trying to piece this all togehter. Better late than never I guess.
Furallicah (29 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-02)

you make a good point. Yes I find that if I'm focused on something during the day and don't get what I'm looking for I'll normaly find it or see it in a dream the fallowing night. So yes focusing it in the day does help when were asleep well at least in my case. 😊
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-01)
Upyers and all others - a question - I have a southern accent so wrote "upyors" the first time. Sorry, but it is a cute name. To me, if I focus on something, and even think and say it (to myself) throughout the day, I'm more likely to dream about it. Once I realized this, I started working again so I couldn't maybe (being a chicken at times) - If we focus on something in the awake hours, does it help us to focus on it asleep? A question for those out there who have studied more...
Upyers (1 stories) (6 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-26)
I would love to see goo things in my visions, it must suck to be inly people you don't know
Furallicah (29 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-26)
It sounds like you see only bad things. Me too but mine are a lot worse most of the time I see something I see death of people I don't even know. And that I'm an empath I feel there pain and suffering. But I don't have visions in my sleep I have them when I'm awake and when they happen I start shaking and when I come back I'm usually on the ground or someone is picking me up.
Upyers (1 stories) (6 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-24)
Ive used the user Upyers for the past 3 years actually, lol

I'd love to know how I sense things also, and would Love to learn to control it so I can use it whenever I wanted

And I'm not insane, but I am pretty Crazy, Kate
xsomuchforsleepingx (1 stories) (10 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-24)
sorry didn't get to finish my last comment my sister hit the enter key...
What I meant was
Or at least if its not I'm insane too 😆
xsomuchforsleepingx (1 stories) (10 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-24)
lol hi I like your username I'm Kate by the way I also have visions sometimes in my sleep. Not as vivid as your's but yeah.

Its normal I think... Or at least if its not
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-24)
hey Upyors - nice name to start with... Most of us here are here because we question and try to figure out answers. I've had a few experiences that make me wonder if we are not alone. How do we sense and know things? I've had more than 3 also. Thanks for the post.

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