I have had many experiences with what I believe are shadow people. The 1st one I can remember was when I was about 9 years old. I was in my room I shared with my sister. It was around 2:00 a.m. (I remember looking at the clock.) and my eyes felt like they were rolling in their sockets. Then I saw this huge shadow figure at the foot of my bed. Then I saw one floating around in the air. I didn't know what to do so I closed my eyes and all I saw were amber letters I couldn't understand.
Then I opened my eyes again and shadow figure at the foot of my bed looked like it was trying to pull my mattress towards it. I felt it pulling me but I wasn't really moving. I closed my eyes again and started praying, only opening my eyes every 10 minute or so to see if the shadows were still there, they always were. I was lucky my mom gets up at 5:30 a.m. to go to her job. When my mom turned on the lights outside of my room the shadows disappeared. I was shaking and so was my dog lying on the side of my bed. I can assure you this was not a lucid dream.
I haven't had a overly scary experience like that since then; a few minor things happen to me almost every day though. Like when I'm in my room at night it seems like the shadows move around. In one corner where I see a moving shadow almost every night it feels like someone is watching me from that area. It's not just in my room though, I see shadows moving almost every where I go. Sometimes I think my eyes are playing tricks on me, or that I might be going crazy.
They have become normal to me now, most of them don't even seem negative. They kind of remind me of commuters trying to make their way through our world. Can someone please explain to me what these creatures are, and why only I and animals notice them? Also could I be a medium?
She is more clairvoyant than I am but she showed me these "shadows" before. She sees them as cloaked figure whereas I only see the shawdow if that. I mostly saw when they moved because I noticed that is got darker or lighter in the areas they moved to/ away from. I believe everyone has/had the ability to be a medium we simply use it or lose it, or in my case "grew up" though I am currently trieing to reverse this.
The shadow do seem to only follow certain people though. You just seem interesting to them. If they are more on the mean side they fry to scare you and feed off your fear. But most of the time they just sit in the corner and glare lol.
You did the right thing to pray but what you also need to do is stand up to them and tell to go away and tell them who's boss. And agian there are those that don't bother you and you can try talking to them if you want.