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Two Friends Hearing Another Calling While Sleeping


My experience just happened recently. As I was waking from sleep one morning, I heard a friend that I speak with online all the time but has been offline for almost a week, which is unlike him, call out to me clear as day. The only word spoke was, "Hey" and he sounded sad. I woke before anymore could be said.

I was speaking with another common online friend of ours and telling him of it. He responded that he also had the same experience that same morning. This had us both a little freaked out since none of us have actually met, but feel a strong connection among us. We have all spoken with one another, so we would know what the other one sounds like. Is it possible that our friend was trying to contact us? I don't know, but we have both agreed to stay calm and hope we hear from him soon.

I myself have had dreams that have later come true. As well as having heard loved ones from beyond comforting me even when not in the form as I know them to be.

My main concern with this dream in particular is whether or not it is just a play on our minds or was he possibly trying to reach us in a way to let us know he is still around but is not able to get to us to let us know and his subconscious sent us a message? Any advice, or comment or even similar experience with this would be forever grateful.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, silentprincess, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

angel85 (1 stories) (11 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-11)
I say you got to get in contact as soon as you can. I myself have been getting this strange experience with my best friend who is far away.

The other night while he was sleeping my phone started calling him the whole night until he woke up at 4 am.

I was scared because it would not stop doing that. I had let him know what had happened, he said he did not hear anything because he was in a deep sleep. I know this connection is strong.

Can anyone tell me what's the meaning of this happening.
ostara8 (124 posts)
16 years ago (2009-06-11)
i would definitely say your frined is trying to get in contact with you. He/she may not even know of this, and may even be doing it in his/her sleep. It often happens when someone is going through a hard time, and call out to or visit those they trust in their sleep... Astrally. Try and get in contact with them. If you physically cant, decide upon going to sleep that you intend on connecting with this person. If it does not work the first night, try the second, and it should work fo you. Sounds like something is up with your friend and they are reaching out to you. Try...
Good (12 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-10)
I know that was kind of long... But I know what you say is true... I woke up one morning to the sound of somone calling my name... It was very clear, and like upon cue, I was awake... And I remember it sounded like it would be God's voice... Or somone like it.

And this is the first year something like that has happened like this to me--someone calling my name, and that's's happened 3 times so far this year, and within the same 6 months.
Good (12 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-10)
Ooh, that just reminded me... I believe that just as when someone is in the same room as you and you can tell something is wrong... By looking, and then feeling... You also have the ability to notice something is wrong...but, you have to be open in your mind first with, let's say, you woke up one morning, and you are thinking about someone, you (if you pray) pray to God (and if you care a lot about that person), then you pray that they are okay, and you can also pray for any desire of your heart, and it should be good, and believable... But what really makes this telepathic awareness available is in the caring of the individual in the first place... I have to really care enough for a person, that they are on my mind, and I'm thinking about them, and I know a little about them, so that I mind knows who I'm thinking of... And then there's a connection, and once you are mentally alert to this person, and thinking about them, it builds this connection, and the more you think about them, and reflect/pray, you are creating a relationship that is opaque, but there... Too many words, to describe it, but I've tried this before, I've tried praying for someone, and sooner or later, it happened. I prayed to be able to help someone, if I were capable, and that I would know, when I needed to help that person... And then. In a few days, that person came to me, and had something on their mind, that she wanted to know about, something that was emotionally very important to her... You see, you have to prepare yourself to be able to help that person, so that if they ever do ask for your help, your there, and also, you have to let God know that you want to help that person, and then you need to continue to think about ways of being helpful or just thinking about them... And SOME PEOPLE don't like to think, but, just like you communicate to others through a viual/audial form - such as a language, that you didn't even speak in the first place, so it is the same with thinking, and communicating with the creator/the universe, and establishing a language that you create, by continually using it, and step upon step, precept upon precept, you grow... So it's important to TRY...don't neccessarily have to know how, but try... Trying is like 100% why it works, because we all know, not trying, is worse than doing nothing... But yes, I believe that we can communicate to eachother through various means.
marrakesh (2 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-09)
Hi Silentprincess, I agree with Kris, I would give your friend a call. Even if it's just to put your mind at ease. I have had similar experiences and I always call the friend in question. Good luck and I hope everything is fine with your friend.
Kris (1 stories) (13 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-08)
In my own experiences and my family's experience when you hear the voice of a friend or family member it is always good to give them a call. In my experiences it has been the person wanting you to call them because they need you emotionally. There have been a few times I have heard my father's voice and it turned out that he was just thinking about me because we had not talked in a week or two and he was thinking he needed to call me to check on me. With my half sister I get an overwhelming feeling to call her when she is stressed and needs someone to talk to. Whenever I hear a voice or get a feeling I give them a call to make sure everything is ok. I have this one friend who I don't talk to very often on the phone, mostly email. In the last couple of years anytime I am upset or cry he seems to call me. He says he just gets a feeling he needs to call me. Kind of a telepathic thing... So if you have his number give him a call and check on him. 😁

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