I'm 13 and I sometimes dream of things that happen the next day it doesn't happen all the time, but sometimes it does. Also, I think I have been in places I have never been and get deja vu in a weird way like if I knew people I never met and know what it is going to happen
It's happened almost all my life. I need to talk to someone to help me understand this.
Why am I having this? I want to know more of my ability. And why I felt that is going on when I get my like visions change? I have had them before and I changed it somehow like if what was supposed to happen changed!
I want to know what is the ability is? Why did I get it? And why I feel these visions or what ever it is that I'm having is happening?
I know I'm not the only one out there with this and I want them to help me. Please help me. You can leave a message or contact me at yahoo, myspace,and hotmail. My email is chuyito13delgado [at] yahoo [dot] com or hotmail.
Once you read this please help me and fast I'll be getting on everyday and if you know people who have the same ability as mine tell me!
Jesus Antonio Delgado Baraza
Aka Tony
If you have any more questions. Best of luck, and the blessings of God be with you.
Oh I've had the same thing happen all my life, I've learned how to cope you can too.