I recently lost my best friend and employee to cancer. She had melanoma that had started traveling to her abdomen and stomach area. My friend had lost her appetite and was often nauseous and irritable, lashing out at her husband. During her illness, I drove her to and from the hospital for treatment and was with her when she was transferred to a hospice facility. Her cancer had traveled quickly and within several weeks she was quite ill. When she was transferred to hospice we were told that she had three months, then two months, then one month and then days to live. She never lost consciousness.
One Friday afternoon about 3:30pm I started to experience stomach pains. After dinner they got progressively worse and along with that, I became extremely irritable and wanted to lash out at someone. This is opposite my personality. The pains were so bad that I was going to tell my husband to take me to the hospital. I was also quite nauseous. I decided to go to bed and wait. At 2:14 a.m., I awakened without any pain, fell asleep and awoke about 7 a.m., with no pain. I received a phone call at 7:45 informing me of my friend's death.
During the funeral, I found out that she actually passed away at 2:15 a.m.! I have not had the pains since, but during the night, I sometimes awaken with an uncomfortable feeling in my stomach or burning sensation. I believe it is during these quiet times, that my friend is contacting me. I would never have believed this to be possible, but it did happen to me.
~Emilie ❤