Yesterday in the middle of the day I was meditating and after about five minutes into it I started shaking and both of my hands started to tingle. I don't know what was actually going on. After that I looked at my hands and they were red and the tingling didn't stop until about 10 minutes after that. That was only the second time I meditated. I only did it one time before. I thought that was a little strange. I was wondering if this happens to a lot of people or not. Can someone please tell me what that is? I read another person's story last night and that actually happened to them too and a spirit made her write a name of a guy from her college. Those made me wonder if something like that could have happened if I didn't stop meditating. I have never had any psychic experiences before.
Another story that I read last night was somebody said that everybody has psychic abilities that are waiting to be unlocked and I heard before that we all do but some peoples abilities are stronger than others. So that also made me wonder. I don't know if I do though. Could someone try to explain to me what happened? This all very strange to me and it all happened the second time I meditated.