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Guys, something big is coming. I've been talking to others including vendettaBabes and a person I shall call Anonymous. At first, Anonymous wanted me to contact her spirit friend for her and ask him some questions like why he doesn't come around so often anymore. She told me that she thinks he's hanging out in the woods and wants to know why. When I asked him, he was stingy on saying much, only telling me that he wasn't there for no reason before telling me to go away. Afterward, I got a vision of a clearing in the woods. The surroundings were laced with energy (which I normally can't see) and the sky looked very strange as well.

After receiving this notice, I was getting a little freaked. I decided to keep careful watch on current events. Not even a week after, my spirit friend, Cal, came by and started looking very edgy. Usually, he's a joker. He was talking to me about speaking with Anonymous' spirit friend. Then, he got really nervous and kept telling me to be careful, not about Caden, but about other things. He said that he couldn't tell me what was going on, just that it was something he didn't want me involved with. I haven't heard from him since. According to vendettaBabe, ALL of the spirits seem to be taking off.

You can imagine that by this point, I was scared out of my mind. Previously to this, there had been many deaths in my area in a short period of time, majority of them freak accidents, and I had become very twitchy. I'm talking constant muscle spasms. So, this little piece of news did not help at all.

After this, more weird things started happening. My awareness became stronger than it usually is and I kept hearing things. This is around the time I expanded my knowledge of telepathic channels. Also, has anyone else noticed how many more stories have been posted here? There seems to be a sudden spike in psychic activity. Even now, I wasn't able to post this right away because the website was receiving too many stories and couldn't take them all. Not to mention that I have been informed by vendettaBabes that there are other psychics getting the same feelings.

If that isn't enough already, then this might be a little more prominent. Last night, while I wasn't doing anything really related to all of this, there was a voice in my head. The voice kept whispering a warning. I was thinking about sending it to vendettaBabes, who I had been talking to previously, and asking for her help, but I did not want to freak her out. The voice kept telling me to and a force made me write the email again and again. I deleted it three times before finally sending it.

Storm of fire,

Hailing rage,

Blowing death,

Beware all sage.

It's a warning. To enforce that, this morning, I was down in the basement, and I found this substance down there that looked like blood. Judging from what my Mom said when my parents decided to check it out, I'd say it was. There was some more of it on the instillation above formed like two little frozen drops. The thing is, there's no where it could have come from. Getting the picture yet?

I got a reply from vendettaBabes. She said that she has a friend who had been predicting something big and bad as well. She said it would start on November 11th (11/11, creepy, huh?). We're not sure which year. Also in her email, she mentioned how she was reminded of both a poem by Robert Frost called "Fire and Ice" as well as a quote from the bible.


Some say the world will end in fire,

Some say in ice.

From what I've tasted of desire,

I hold with those who favor fire,

But if I had to perish twice,

I think I know enough of hate,

To say that for destruction ice

Is also great,

And would suffice.

The quote from the bible also talked about how the world would end in either fire or ice. So, now that you have those two references, please look over the warning again. What are the first two lines? Exactly. "Storm of Fire, Hailing rage..." In other words; fire and ice.

We are the first to know about this. "Beware all sage..." I looked it up; sage means wise. Please tell me now what psychics are known for? It's talking about us. We need to figure this thing out. (Either that or we're the targets, but that's a very minor secondary). So, could you please pool all of your unique talents and notify this online community of anything strange that you believe could relate to this event. I'm serious, people, we need to do something and fast. We are in for it. We'd greatly appreciate your help.

More information is being gathered as we speak. If there are any major updates to the predicted events, you'll be notified. Also, please post any other theories you may have. Thank you.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Freakgirl, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

AnandaHya (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-23)
I don't have time to read everything. I don't really want to have ANY abliity. But if I ignore warnings and something really bad happens then I would feel awful. So if the angels tell me to warn someone of something I try to. But I do wish this hysteria was limited to one story and one topic post... Check out my profile page for what I think will happen, and email me any questions... I thinks the comments on 2012 is still there... I believe everyone has innate psychic abilities however if you misuses and accumulate negative karma through its use. You will lose them for the good of the world and yourself. You would take matches away from a kid that like setting fire on things they shouldn't...
Freakgirl (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-23)
Hey, everyone, calm down, okay? Otherwise the whole site will be filled with paranoia-induced dreams rather than real "visions." There's a line between being psychic and being unconsciously observent.

I know that I really wouldn't (or shouldn't) have much of a say at the moment, since it's been a while since I lost my gift, but it has given me time to form a new perspective.

In knowing that my gift was gone, I was able to rationalize a lot of things I'd thought before to be psychic experiences. I'm not saying that I'm a skeptic now. I clearly remember the zing of that unexplainable feeling or the sudden disturbance. It's not something I'll be likely to forget anytime soon.

However, I will admit that I was a little over-zealous at times. There were things that I WANTED to be a product of psychic activity. I'm talking that deep, subconscious desire that's always hiding in the darkest realms of the mind. To this day, I still don't know what I'd hoped it would mean. That I was special? That I had power or control? I don't know, but I wanted it.

So, here's my confession: my telepathic/empathic abilities? 82% being able to read people well. Premonitions? 91% logic. Vivid dreams? I have a photographic memory mixed with too much sleep medication and an over-stressed brain. Cryokinesis? Low body temperature and a common condition called Raynaud's. I would drop the temperature around me whether I was trying to or not because my skin was that cold.

I've torn down most of what I believe in order to get a better perspective on things. I've realized now that maybe not everything was as I thought it was. And you know what? I'm happier now. I'm learning to use those abilities I'd passed off as being psychic hits. One day, I may even be able to use them to better the world. I could never figure out a way to do that with some unreliable sense.

So am I psychic? Maybe a little, but I'm balancing it out. I don't want to go back to the way I was where everything that I couldn't immediately explain was labeled as a psychic experience. (That's the way the Salem Witch Trials were started. Then in the 1970s Linnda Caporael gathered evidence that it was ergot poisoning, not witchcraft.) I don't want to be paranoid like that. I want to be able to see the truth behind things, not what I hope or fear they may be.

Mental illusions can cause one to overlook what they would rather not see and focus only on what correlates with their ideas.

Don't hate me because of this. This is not an accusation. I am in no way saying that your abilities aren't perfectly legit. I'm only saying that mine weren't.

Consider it.
InjuredAngelHeero (4 stories) (87 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-17)
It is well known in the scentific community that the ice age never ended, we are in a point where the Earth heats back up to a point that the planet will cause an exaggerated response to cool it down, resulting in the next 'ice age'.

With that said, we are drawing closer to the next cool down, and with all the green house gases we produce, are speeding up the proccess. I have already notice the weather patterns changing.

We are not going to wake up tomorrow, the next month, next year, or even a decade later to see everything covered in ice. The cool down/heat up proccess is very slow, and, even with the catalyst we introduced, will still tak thousands of years.

We are starting to see the effects of it in the weather, and it will continue to change at a super slow pace.

People that tap into the deeper part of our mind are getting the same feelings as the animals, the only difference is the animals have a clearer link to nature, and understand what's going on. Weather has been known to casue people sensitive to Electromagnetic fields, EMFs, to get feelings of dispair and foreboding.
MoonStryke (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-12)
I have not read all the comments, so if I'm repeating something someone else mentioned I'm sorry. This is just my thoughts on the many premonitions of doom going around right now.
When reading the Tarot for someone, and the Death card appears, it does not mean the querant is going to die. It simply means a change is coming into their life. Death frequently symbolizes change. Personally, I would read these death and doom visions as representative of change, rather than literal death/destruction.
Anyways, just an idea.
kenzie99 (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-12)
hey its mikenzie I just want to say that I don't know if the 11/11/11 crises will happen and I know people have there different religions but I was just telling what I saw. I'm looking for answeres I'm scared and I don't know what to do. 😨 I nor lacey ment to cause fights but we are just telling you what we feel and see. Maby lacey doesn't have a gift/power but that doesn't give anyone the right to tell her so. Shes looking for answeres to. She just "found out" or thinks that she does. I have had these daydreams, daja vu, and other "gifts" since I was 6. I wasn't there when she posted so I don't know what she was thinking so just try to be more considerate to her feelings please. Because you realy hurt them. Thanks

ghostgirl3512 (6 stories) (298 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-12)
I don't care that you "went against the staus quo" I don't have a problem with that. All I was asking is that if you disagree, don't say it offesisivly. It only starts disagreements.

I apoligize if I offended you, and I hope we can please move on. We really are just spamming this story.

Blessed be
Lolli ❀
RookDygin (5 stories) (324 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-12)
What in the Sam Hill does 'wind control' have to do with the 'end of the world' / Something Wicked This Way Comes topic from the OP's story? Besides you need to make up your mind... And I'll quote you... "I told her I can control the wind but I can't I minipulate it" Ummmmm, either you can or you can't it's that simple...

But back to the topic from the OP...

There are Great Changes looming, People all over are 'waking up' to their psychic abilities. We as a planet are heading for a change, but it's not the 'end of the world'. It's a great spiritual awakening, some fear it, and have this feeling of foreboding... (quite a few 'doomsayers' around here and it would seem around the world if the 'negative' feelings that are reported are the only ones that are deemed 'factual'.

If we focus on the negative, then 'mind over matter' kicks in and something negative may very well happen. If we remain neutral, or even (Heaven Forbid) Positive, maybe a very different outcome will prevail.

But let's face it, just like in the news... Bad news sells... So that's all you hear. People open your Minds and your Hearts and just let the energies flow through you... It's not 'all lost, nor even doom and gloom. Change can, and often times is a good thing.

Oh and bbdeathspark's, Keep your typing down down. No one want's to 'read' you scream.


bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-12)
Screaming works best. ^_^. Also I don't remember the last time I talked in all CAPS.
Chetyre (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-12)

Just because someone makes a claim doesn't mean they are telling the truth much less even understand what they are talking about.

Usually people will experience something and think they were the ones to make it happen when 99% of the time it was coincidence.

You say that influencing the elements is real... Yet I have never once seen this in action... Not a single time...ever.

Again I will not keep my views to myself... This is a discussion forum and all views should be accepted whether they are in agreement or not.

I understand you find it upsetting that a meanie like me dared to oppose the status quo by saying "I don't accept this". Really, I can but how are we to learn anything if all we do is nod our heads even though some of us can see that another is engaging in a mindset that leads them to some very wrong conclusions?

I am not angry with you or anyone but I do have my views and I shall keep expressing them and I hope you express your views because believe it or not I'd like to hear more from others.

Sparky...we get your point... Please do not scream at us. Thanks pal.
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-12)
ghostgirl3512 (6 stories) (298 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-12)
[at] Shinigami

When I get out of mommy and daddy's house? Really? All I'm asking is that you not make offensive comments to people. We have to deal with enough ridicule in the real world, but on the Internet too? And by other psychics? I'm simply asking that we at least TRY not to be at each other's throats. Is it really that hard of a request?
ghostgirl3512 (6 stories) (298 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-12)
[at] Chetyre

I don't believe I even mentioned your name, or anyone's for that matter. I was simply asking that you keep your offensive opinions to yourself. I did not once say that you had to "encourage people to continue believing in something they know NOTHING about."
I don't see why you felt the need to basically jump on me the minute I said something you didn't like. If you keep answering comments with anger, are you any better than the "children" on this site?

And just because it sounds like it came from a movie, dosen't make it false. If someone suddenly made a movie about someone dreaming of the future, would that atomatically make prophetic dreams unreal? No, it wouldn't, because the ability has been around longer than the movie of it.

Please don't start anything over my reply, because I didn't mean any harm by my comments.

Blessed be
Lolli ❀
Shinigami0 (2 stories) (204 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-12)
Last time I checked, this was a public forum. And really? Keep opinions to ourselves? Um, honey, when you get out of "mommy and daddy's house", into the real world, you're going to have to suck it up and deal with opinions that are different than your's.

Screaming "HELP!" would be completely acceptable, if the person was outside, in person, and were in substantial danger. However, this is not the case when you feel the need to post it on the internet. It just makes you look like an idiot.

Bbdeathspark- "And not a single care was given".
Chetyre (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-12)
*I'm just saying to keep that opinion to yourself, because it can be offensive to people that posses this ability.*

No, I will NOT keep my opinions to myself. This is a discussion forum and it is a disservice to encourage people to continue believing in something they know NOTHING about.

If someone comes to this forum spouting off stuff that sounds like it comes right from a movie or cartoon then it is highly irresponsible for any of us to play along and encourage inaccuracies.
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-12)
"That is right bbdeathspark. Go on preaching about your paranoia over the End of the World.

Only the poor young ones who do not know better will listen to you. UNTIL the adults talk some sense into them.

Haven't you done enough damage already? Just simply shut up already.

We get it now, you want people to see you as GOD."

You see, this is what assumption does. You assume something out of what someone says, and this is how Rashidah's post is formed. Rashidah, since your obviously right and I only speak lies and deception, why are you so mislead into thinking those ridiculous thoughts. Why would I want people tho think I'm God?
As it's obvious you don't know me let me explain this to you: I hate humans. I hate my race. I'm very far off and I don't talk to other humans very much, especially ones that don't know their psychic.
I don't care what they think, so why would I try LIE to them? It's a waste of time, I have better things to be doing. You can say horrible things about me, I lie, I exaggerate, but it's obvious you don't know who I am, and more over, most of your opinions about me are wrongly formed.
If you don't believe me that's fine, but frankly, I'm fed up about how you jump up my leg every single post I make when I try to help someone. It's agitating me.
ghostgirl3512 (6 stories) (298 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-12)
ok, BEFORE a huge argumment takes place, can I say something?

Elemental control is a real ability, I've seen it done myself. If you don't want to believe in elemental control, that's fine. Nobody's making you. I'm just saying to keep that opinion to yourself, because it can be offensive to people that posses this ability.

Everyone who is going on and on about how we must fight with God, please stop. Whether there is a war or not, there is no need to bible thump, especially since there is a wide religious diversity on this site.

And might I add, that just because your a "child" does not make you immature. What age would you guess I am? I'm only 14, and I've been told that I act wiser than some adults. And if something truly scares you, and you shout HELP ME, that dosen't make you immature. It makes you human.

Now, in regaurds to the story:

People think the world will end in fire or ice only for the reason that they are to two things that could kill us easily. If everything freezes, we can't grow food, and starve/freeze to death. If the entire world suddenly explodes, well we die. The end. Also, it's because the dinasours died by a meteor strike (fire) and prehistoric mammals died from the Ice Age (ice) so it's only "logical" that we all die by one or the other again. In fact, we could all die by being knocked out of orbit (some consider this air) or the planet could flood (water) Or the world may NEVER end.

Blessed be
Lolli ❀
Chetyre (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-12)
Thank you Shinigami.

Here is the problem... We are often very unaware of what is going on in our environment.

Let's say I am walking in the local park and as in all parks there is a lot of activity from the birds and squirrels and whatever else is lurking around yet I pay no attention to it even though I might vaguely hear them.

Now let's say I sit down and rest and I become aware of all the sounds around me and I casually think of something like, Oh, I don't know, a woodpecker.

I open my eyes and in a tree not too far away sits a woodpecker. How about that, eh?

Does that mean I somehow "summoned" the bird to come? Is this perhaps a message from a guide or a forest spirit of some sort?

Nope...sorry. It was merely coincidence, I focused on something and my mid picked out that which resembled what I was thinking of.

So let's say I look at the trees and think about how pretty they look and wonder why they do not break off in the wind and suddenly there is a gust of wind?

Oh my! Did I do that? Sorry... Wrong again. I was simply not tuning into that aspect of my environment, the wind was always there, in fact I even heard it but paid no attention but now that I was thinking specifically about the wind, my mind simply focused on what was already there.

To be honest I am getting tired, I came here to have real, honest, rational and level-headed discussions about psychic abilities yet this place is becoming populated with children who either do not know how the conscious mind works or are so enamored with Avatar the Last Airbender (or both) that they cannot or will not employ rational thinking.

Naturally someone can scream at me "Well, if you don't like it then leave. Don't let the door hit you on the arse on your way out!"

And you know what... Part of me wants to leave but I won't. I am hoping that a bit more order and rationality will be applied here.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-12)
That is right bbdeathspark. Go on preaching about your paranoia over the End of the World.

Only the poor young ones who do not know better will listen to you. UNTIL the adults talk some sense into them.

Haven't you done enough damage already? Just simply shut up already.

We get it now, you want people to see you as GOD.
Shinigami0 (2 stories) (204 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-12)
Thank LAWDZ for you Chetyre. You've brought up a point (of many points) that needs to be driven in, because unfortunately some can't take a hint: "Control" and "manipulate" BOTH mean to INFLUENCE, CONTROL, and OPERATE.

Butterscotch- And your comment, my dear, is why drugs are bad.

I looked at a tree yesterday. This morning, part of it had toppled over, due to a storm passing through. Did I have what appears to be a bad trip out? No, I did not.

There's a reason why kids of a certain age and below aren't recommended to be on this site (unless proved to be mature). Kids like YOU are providing us with an answer as to why.
Chetyre (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-12)
Butterscotch please stop. You are starting to act like a troll by posting "HELP MEEE!" then expecting adult responses.

No need to yell or implement drama.

Also it seems a bit of a contradiction to claim you can "control" something but you cannot manipulate it. That's like saying "I can drive a car but I can't steer it!"

If you have a legitimate experience to post then maybe you should post it using the "Submit Your Story" button way at the very top of the page and maybe you will get better responses.
butterscotch (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-12)
okay! 😊 I'm soo relieved I thought of something else and now the treess are calm!
butterscotch (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-12)
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-12)
Also, On a third note... Am I the only one that feels a... I don't know, ominous presence? Either that or I'm becoming more aware to Verse...
butterscotch (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-12)
I do not know what is going on but if I look at a tree one more time it's going to FALL OVER!
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-12)
Oh wow, So there ARE a lot of people feeling it. This has been making Tiron edgy lately, but he won't tell me what's up. I already know of the "Final War" that some call it, and to others the "Shift" but there is some ominous presence "spooking" around though.
Also, on a second note, Tiron told me to write this:
On the day be blessed
On the dawn be gone
In the twilight I sit
The destruction of fire
The chaos of Water
The damage of Wind
The day is chosen
The hour is made
I present to you

He said it was "related" to what you were talking about o_o. Any ideas...anyone...because right now it's like Tiron is speaking in tongues 😨
butterscotch (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-12)
hey it's me lacey and I'm mikenzie's friend I had her over yesterday and then I told her I can control the wind but I can't I minipulate it but yes mikenzie's dream might be happening right now and maybe that's why I suddenly noticed I had a power yesterday in 11/11/11, which is next YEAR november 11 there is going to be chaos so all we have to do is come together and fight him off with god. ME AND MIKENZIE ARE SERIOUS WE FOUND THIS WEBSITE YESTERDAY AND TESTED ME AND HER POWERS OR GIFTS WE NEED TO BE BRAVE OK COMMENT US BACK
kenzie99 (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-12)
hey my name is mikenzie and last year I kept having this wierd daydream about god and the devil fighting on 11/11/11 how wierd right the worst part is that I can't hide my psychic abilities anymore there to powerful. That is why butterscotch/my bff lacey nows but she can also manipulate wind what are we going to do! 😨
OwlKnower12 (3 stories) (7 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-11)
Yes something big is coming you will see a lot of more psychic activity. The spirits are going to go hay wire.
dafg (5 stories) (52 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-03)
really something big is near I'm feeling it I'm really scared 😨
Vampire_Angel (8 stories) (123 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-14)
How am I doing? Ohh boy, in ghost world = meh regular life = extreme meh. =b Caden is backish. I don't know where he went though, my abilities just keep getting stronger, they came back pretty fast when I buried everything. I want them stronger, but who knows? I still haven't gotten to really SEE Caden though = (

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