When I was about 21 years old, I was at a grocery store at night by myself.
I was going up and down each aisle, minding my own business.
All of a sudden, an elderly Anglo man approached me and said, "Excuse me, I know you don't know who I am, but I need to tell you something. You have been busy shopping, not really noticing anyone, and there have been three men following you up and down each aisle. Right now, they are in a truck parked right next to your car. They are waiting for you."
I immediately became frightened, and begged the man to stay with me while I could locate a manager. We finally did, and to my relief, the manager on duty was a very tall man. While I was busy explaining the story to the manager, the elderly man disappeared! I looked left and right, but to no avail... I didn't even have a chance to thank him.
The manager was nice enough to stand in line with me. He was with me when I paid, and he walked me out. In the parking lot I spotted my car, and sure enough! There was a big truck parked right next to my car, and just like the man warned, there were three men inside of the truck. However, when they saw me with the manager, the driver started the truck, and they drove off.
To this day, I wonder what could have happened to me if that elderly man, that messenger, had not warned me of what awaited me outside. I think about that episode more than I should, and the "what-ifs" are truly horrible.
Furthermore, WHO WAS that man? And how did he know what was going on inside the store, and outside the store at the same time?
Whoever he was, he saved my life.