I was up north of New Zealand, and I saw a child like embryo in the sun itself. I was not trying to look at the sun, but it flashed at me, when I closed my eyes I saw this entity in the sun itself. This was less than 12 months ago, now I'm struggling to discern between reality and dreams, it's quite frightening. I believe I had a spiritual Awakening, where I became One. I sometimes feel like I can read people deepest emotions, but I am not sure how, I don't think I am directly psychic, but I feel I have accidentally let in some dark forces into my mind. I meditate, listen to Tibetan chants. I read that this will pass in time as I work through my karmic pain. I see this face in my mind, at changes with my own emotions, like it's my own perceptions of my own psyche, like I am witnessing the true nature of what bad thoughts and intentions can bring. I don't want this, it scares me and makes me feel as if I have lost all control. I have had seizures in the past and was diagnosed with epilepsy, so this may all be connected.
I may have been hexed somehow, does anyone know anything I can do, physically, mentally and spiritually to heal myself? I don't want these psychic insights anymore and want to come as close to a normal person as I can. I am realistic that this may never happen, but I want to know if anyone had felt anything similar.
It actually got worse after I watched a video on peoples trip reports from daytura, I haven't true the stuff and never intend to, but it send strange that it somehow aggravated the negative thoughts.
Does anyone have any tips for staying sane? Stay safe everyone.
~ Lyro