I think that I might be losing a bit of my psychic ability. I'm really in tune to a lot of things but the one thing that I think I am starting to lose is the ability to see ghosts in psychical form. I would be able see them all the time but I really don't know what's going on. I don't even dream that often anymore, dreaming for me now is like a once in while thing.
For the past few days though I would only dream things that would come to past but when I'm not dreaming about that I just can't remember any of my dreams and it's really frustrating. A lot of people say that when your scared of what you see or whatever is happening eventually you start to block some of the stuff out. To be honest I don't really know if this is the case for me but being able to see ghosts and communicating with them has always been apart of me so if I'm starting to lose that ability I would not feel complete.
I would really like to know why this is happening to me and if there is anything I could do about it. It would be really great if I could know what to do about this and if I could regain what I'm starting to loose and make my ability in that field stronger.
Thanks for reading,
And please any advice would be great.