I was living in Northern California at the time, staying with a boyfriend in a detached garage fixed up like a bedroom. I was resting in bed with my eyes closed but wasn't yet asleep. Suddenly, I felt as if I had been physically picked up and thrown- my stomach did a complete flip before I felt a very heavy weight pull my legs down. I was no longer myself- I was someone else and had been thrown in a lake and was being dragged to the bottom. Fear, panic, a realization that I was going to die. I leapt out of bed gasping for air as I was experiencing the feelings of drowning! I rushed outside to look at the stars and gulp some more air. As I turned back toward the garage I saw a figure standing at the door to the garage, looking in, his back to me. He wore a baseball cap, t-shirt and shorts. I could completely see through him and he stood there completely still, almost like a photograph. I stood there frozen- not knowing what any of this meant. In a blink, in an instant- he was gone.
I firmly believe I shared this young man's death with him- nothing so profound has happened to me since, although I suppose you could classify me as a psychic sensitive/empath. Maybe a medium in this instance since I 'was' him for a few moments.
How else could this have happened?
I had none of these abilities until about 3 years ago when I survived some extreme and abusive events. I could tell you the exact day it all began. I now see faces and figures and places when I close my eyes. I can't make sense of them, but there they are. A bearded man, a couple holding hands, a park bench. I've sought counseling and undergone tests and taken medication in an attempt to make these things stop, but I've found if I just accept what's happening it's not as bad as fighting against it.
I'm looking for a little advice and clarity on what's going on with me, and how to classify what I apparently shared with a stranger during his last moments.