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Real Psychic Experiences

Started Hearing Conversations


I first saw a spirit of a women in period date dress when I was about 5. I woke up in the middle of the night and she was standing at the foot of my bed watching me and smiling. Of course it freaked me out and screamed.

As I got older I felt like I was different. Later on after I got married and had kids, I was not only getting visited in the middle of night, they would come to me through my dreams too. After kids moved out, and a lot of stress going on in my life. I was having bad anxiety attacks and depressions. But I've been working hard to be and stay positive, and now when I go to bed, I'm hearing old music (20s or 30s) and hearing a younger women talking to a man. Sometimes the conversations was pretty insitant. I decieded to go to my local physic to find out what's going on, she told me that it was family members trying to get a message to me. My daughter come to visit and stay the night, she would tell me the next morning she couldn't sleep very well because she heard talking from a man and younger women. My son called me up not long after that and wanted to tell me something. When he came over, I noticed he wasn't sure what to tell me, then he said he had something really weird happen to him and kind of freaked him out, so I asked what? He said he was alone in his house watching tv at night and he started hearing people talking in the other room, so he got up and patrolled the house to see if someone had broken in. All doors and window were locked. After he told me this, I explained it's been happening to me every night. As well as his sister. The conversations are just low enough that you can tell their a man and women, but can't quiet make out what they are saying. My physic said its a message for the whole family. I've asked them to speak louder and clearer so I can receive it, but nothing yet. She said I have to let my fear go, and then I'd hear them better. I've been trying, but sometimes it really hard. Is there anything I can do to help. Every night I've been hearing music and conversations. I need guideness here...

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Hillshaven07, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

carriwill (8 stories) (98 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-23)
My son was drug using heavy drugs. He would come home. I would hear the spirit by him. My ex husband drunk, pills and pot. Immoral sex. I saw a full blown spirit by him. And not one but two spirits by him. These attach spirits causes sickness and diseases. Now my ex is sick from these spirit attachments.
carriwill (8 stories) (98 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-23)
Sometime spirits attach to people. Then you hear talking. They are usually unclean spirits. These entities come from drug use, drunk, hospitals. Unclean places. They spirits come with you or loved ones. You just have to say be unclean spirit by the blood of jesus. You must command it. Then when you do this the voices will stop. Spirits will or attach with death, occult. Unclean practices. All sorts of ways. A item in the house could have brought it there. If you want email me. Rcarrwill [at]
carri (22 stories) (221 posts)
8 years ago (2016-08-03)
I have heard a conversation of a man in the basement. It was in the bitter winter. Me and my daughter Christina was asleep. My son mykel was at his friends. I heard a mans voice coming up from the basement. The house was pitch black. No lights. It was 2:30 am. Christina and me woke up at the same time. The loud male voice woke me up. I looked up and saw my black German Sheppard by the vent in the basement. It was cold December. I could hear the furnace kick on in the basement. But still I could hear the man talking loud, in the basement. I woke up terrified. Shaking with fright. I whispered to Christina who also was wide awake shaking scared hearing the voice. "Christina, what was that?" Christina replied."I don't know mom." I got up from the bed still shaking and turned on the bedroom light. I heard the voice still talking a man talking to himself. I then walked into the living room and turned on all the lights. Kitchen lights went on. Still shaking I shouted. "Unclean spirit begone in the blood of Jesus Christ." I yelled that several times and the voice stopped talking. At that point I turned on all the lights. I tried to force my dog Oden to go into the basement. I had turned on the basement light at that point. I turned on all the house lights. Me and Christina stayed up all night at that point shaking in fright. We were afraid we were going to hear a voice in the basement again many nights later.
Hillshaven07 (1 stories) (2 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-28)
Thank you Boson. It's hard to figure out what to do or talk to someone local about this. Not to many around here to help me out. People tend to look at you like your crazy. Trying to meditate is difficult. It's been kind of like writer block, but with my mind. But like I said, it's nice to talk to someone about. I wish there was classes or seminars local here.
Again, thank you.
Boson (179 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-27)
Hi Hillshaven07,

I think spirits naturally gravitate towards people with an psychic ability to recognize them. I know you wonder about that. About enhancing your psychic abilities, I could tell you how exactly I do it but everyone is different so how I do it may not work well for you. But you are right, in general meditation is a great way mentally prepare yourself for any kind of psychic or spiritual work. Many people struggle with calming their mind from random inner chatter and thoughts in order to establish a solid communication (at least for a short moment) with a spirit. So that's why I said that practicing meditation is a good foundation. Basically, to communicate with a ghost you would first have to find it either by name or a vision or something else that references that ghost. Once you have that, you ask what you want to ask and then listen for the answer. Please be patient for an answer. I don't really know beforehand how quickly you can establish contact since it's very individual like I mentioned earlier. Also, remember that even if you don't get any apparent response, spirits can still hear your thoughts. So there is really no need to talk out loud when you try to communicate, you can just think your question and it will be just the same.

One important thing that I haven't mention about is about spiritual protection. But in your case it seems like the ghosts in your proximity are benevolent so you should be fine without protection. I would still recommend that you learn about it, since sooner or later you will need to know it.

I hope that helps a little.

Hillshaven07 (1 stories) (2 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-27)
Thank you Boson. I'm getting that feeling to, and I'm going to try to make sure. Its not the first time I have been visited by spirits. I don't know why they seem to come to me. I'm still kind of new at this in learning. They will come through like this, make themselves seen, or come through my dreams, but this is the first time, I can hear them. My daughter has heard them too, and shes had different things happen to her to at her apartment, and my son is a sceptic in sorts. But hes heard talking at his house to, as well as being visited by his grandpa. As for my spirits, I'm having another psychic and her paranormal team come in soon to do a investagating done, to find out who they are and what they want. Any ideas how I can fine tune my skills? I have been starting to meditate again, sometimes been difficult. Any helpful advice would be great.
Boson (179 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-27)
Hi Hillshaven07,

After reading your story, because you mention that you experience this every night, I personally think it's not spirits of family members that you hear in that muffled way. I would instead say it's some ghostly entities. I didn't mean to contradict what your psychic said, but it may be good for you to hear other opinions too.


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