Some of you have read my other story I submitted, some more things have been happening. Well one, today actually, I was walking home from school, and I didn't want my mom to see me, and as soon as I turned the corner something said in my head "there's your mom", and I ran, and looked back and there she was driving behind.
Also I just had a boy friend a little ago, and it was a friday, we started going out, that night I couldn't sleep, I had a strong feeling that we were to break up the following saturday, and we did.
One night, in my basement me and my friend were sleeping, pitch dark, no one was awake, and I awoke to a loud deep scream in my ear. I think I also have a strong sense, like my gut feeling, of just knowing when bad is going to come to you. A lot of people doubt me, but I consider it something that I want to live with. Those are mostly the big things that happen to me, the little things now are just knowing who is calling my house sometimes, like if its for me or not, and being able to wake up exactly when I tell my self too.
I don't know if it comes along with all of this, but I get really angry a lot, I have many moods. I don't know if that has to do with anything or not.
My senses are also, I think, enhanced because I hear music when others can't, or other sounds or scents bother me. I don't like light, or consistant sounds like beaters, and I absoulutly can't stand the smell of exaust fumes. So just try figuring your powers out, and best of luck:)