I'm hoping someone might have similar experience or give me some advice. About a year ago, I woke from my sleep to be completely overwhelmed with orbs all over my room. My bedroom door was open and I could see them in the hallway too. They were a bit smaller than a soccer ball and most floating around eye level when sitting up in bed. The were white orbs. I could feel them all around that is what woke me up. I have had psychic experience before seeing spirits but never orbs. I was starting to have a panic attack because I was feeling overwhelmed with the amount of "beings" all around me. But what my post is about is there was this boy at the end of my bed. I could see him so clearly and he seemed to have a light from within. He was probably about 8yrs old and he just sat on my end of the end of bed looking at me. I finally fell back asleep and dreamt of him and his previous life. I saw a little baby boy in a blue blanket being taken care of by his uncle. The uncle was not happy being responsible for this baby and when the baby started to cry he started to hurt the baby to make him stop crying. In the dream the uncle walked away and then I walked up to the baby and picked him up and cuddled him and told him not to worry that I would be his mommy.
I woke up feeling so much love for this child and I think about him every day. I loved his soul so much I can't explain it but I miss him so much. I have two young daughters who are my world. My husband and I are thinking we're done with having kids but I can't help but think of this boy and if I saw my future son. Does anyone know anything about that?
Thank you so much for your help
Faultline, I feel for you and hope you can find peace. I worry, like you, I'll think of this for years to come with no answers.
Thank you