Ever since I was little, I've had déjà vu. I would dream about something and later, I would see it in real life. For example, I once had a dream that I was in my cousin's swimming pool and I saw a girl in a cheetah print bathing suit. A while later, I was in my cousin's swimming pool and I saw that same girl in that same bathing suit and in the same position as I saw her in my dream.
Another, more recent, example happened just this week. I dremt about sitting in algebra class taking my End-Of-Course test and looking over at my friend Cain and seeing him writing his answers down. The same thing happened in the same exact sequence the next day. I mean, he had the same look on his face and was wearing the same clothes as in my dream.
This happens to me at leat a couple times a month. I obviously don't recall all the times this has happened because it's kind of always been there. It doesn't really surprise me anymore.
I also tend to get certain vibes from people or situations or even objects or places. Like, I can pick up on things, like how someone is feeling or weather they're good or bad. 90% of the time I'm right about them.
This one time, I started getting weird vibes from my friend Autumn. She wasn't acting noticeably different, but I had this feeling in the pit of my stomach that she did something I wouldn't like. Later, I found out she told her mother about some regrettable things I did and her mom told my family.
The last thing is a strange experience I had when I was 10. My mother had been struggling with breast cancer for about a year. I knew what her fate would be. It had already spread to her brain and liver. It was in stage five when she was diagnosed. When she was in her final days, my aunt and I slept in her bed while she slept in her chair (so she could get up easily if need be). One night, I woke up, eyes open and all, and saw a man beside my mom's bed looking at me. He gave off some kind of green aura and stared at me for a solid five seconds then dissipated. Not long after that experience, my mom passed away. She was peaceful and died surrounded by her loved ones. To this day, I can't enter her room without feeling a sickening dread and remembering that man.
I have heard of strange apparitions appearing to people before a disaster. I'm not sure if that was someone trying to confirm my mother's fate or what. I don't know if I'm psychic. It could just be some kind of psychological phenomenon or whatever. If I am somehow psychic, I would like to enhance my abilities if possible. Feel free to give me any sort of insight or advice you deem relevant. Or feel free to tell me that it's all just in my head. Whatever works. Anything will be much appreciated.