From my other stories you probably know that I am psychic. I would like to tell you about my many psychic experiences through the last couple of months:
I keep having dreams ands sometimes visions that don't make sense, some of them are of murders or kidnaps and some of them are about random people I know in weird situations, like riding down a road even though we can't drive. I have read that a lot of people have dreams like this, so can anyone give me some advice? In most dreams I can't remember most of what happens, I sometimes write and draw things about them but I have only done that for about three so far because I have a busy morning and that's the only time I can remember the most when I am awake. I'm also scared they might come true as some are really scary. When I'm asleep and in the dream it's like I know everything that's happening but when I wake up, I don't.
I keep seeing a lot of shadows out the corner of my eyes, most are black but some are white, are these spirits? I've tried talking to them, asking for signs but nothing seems to happen at that moment. I hear noises like a door creaking and very rarely voices that come from nowhere. What is this all about?
I try to meditate but can't seem to clear my mind and when I close my eyes, it's mostly black with blurs of white. Can anyone give me some help with this and some exercises? I can see visions in the back of my mind. How do you know if it's a vision or your imagination? I see things in the back of my mind that are not completely clear. Are these maybe visions? I keep getting weird feelings in my stomach like there is a presence around me. Are they spirits? Also how can I develop my psychic abilities, I know meditation which I have written I need help with, but some people do little exercises so could you give me more ways of developing my abilities and maybe gaining more?
Can anyone help me with all of this? If you can please comment! I will try to write more detailed stories about each experience in future but this is just an overlook of some of my experiences.