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Strange Smoke-like Angular Mist


I don't want to say that it was "evil" or "bad" - I did not feel threatened, just shocked.

I had just woken up from a nap (not really sure if long/short now) and when I opened my eyes, I saw this (what I wanted to call an orb, but mist might be the better word for it?) thing floating just about where the back of my head normally is when I am at my computer.

In the months leading up to this point, I have been doing a load of spiritual seeking - to keep it light on the backstory; I don't particularly have one view or another - and I am willing to listen to other perspectives/belief systems. At any rate - I canceled my "spiritual contracts" - in order to start anew.

For a time (long enough that it was noticeable) I was receiving unwarranted "attacks" from people I had never had problems with in the past; nor had they been given any reasons to be "aggressively nasty" towards me. So I thought, it's something else that at some point in my life (or lives) I've opened myself up to and I'm talking about unknowable knowledge type stuff. Random thoughts or venting I have done only in my mind are translated through these people. So, in that respect - I suppose I have labeled it as "bad" or at the very least "negative" entity working through people who are "disconnected" from spirit/source/whatever you'd like to call it.

So this is what has been going on. Once I realized that fear had no hold in my life - and I acknowledged the "attacks" for what they were and stated clearly I KNEW what it was - they ceased. Onward.

I wake up and I'm staring at this thing which looks like an angular, morphing smoky 3-D diamond shape. It is kind of like one of those decorative curtain rod end-caps that spirals/twists around from tip to tip expanding in the middle; so narrow top and bottom with "tendrils" floating throughout and it's in a constant state of movement; but a bit more complicated than the basic rod end-cap. It was wispy, but with a definite "angular" shape - it never ceased movement; so it did not appear to have just ONE shape. Now, I'm "shocked" (for lack of a better word) at this point - but I am not fearful of it. I sit up and look at it. And I *felt* as though it were perfectly aware that I was looking at it; and in return it looking at me. It seemed to be there for quite some time - but time is linear and I'm not quite certain that I was "in time" (if that makes sense) - so I don't want to place a limit on it. But it was there long enough for me to question whether or not it was some oddity that I was experiencing from coming out of a nap - but that didn't even feel like what it was. Then, it just faded away still morphing/moving as it did.

If truth be told, I have had some strange "pressure" on my lower neck/head region - but nothing painful. Just "odd" for what is "normal" for myself. Meditating frequently; so it could be from energies my body has not been accustomed to. About two weeks ago, another friend (who has been on her own spiritual path of seeking) and I both (within twenty minutes of each other) felt this odd lightening/energy-without-the-pain rush of energy (something) that sort of shot up from my chest into my head. I felt nauseated, but again - I think it had more to do with the fact that it was an "abnormal feeling" for my body.

Last Thursday, I got out of bed and reached up to pull the switch on the ceiling light, but before I touched the pull-switch, the light started to light.

So - I'm either going cuckoo, making progress, or these "attacks" are finding new/inventive/sneaky ways of trying to "mess" with me.

At any rate, I have some photos that I found that "kind of" match up to my description, but I see there is really no way of posting those pics. I've searched around on the web quite a bit, but have yet to discover a story precisely like mine. I'm curious if anyone out in the world wide webs has any advice or information on this particular "thing". Any thoughts or similar stories? I would like to remain as "logical" as my openness in spirituality will allow me to be. If "it" is something negative - I would like to be made aware of that so that I can address "it" in a direct manner. Indirect doesn't seem to get me much of anywhere - but direct sure does! Lol Thank you in advance!

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, mmissm, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

mmissm (1 stories) (1 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-14)

In a sense, yes. Although it doesn't happen all the time. I can say that I feel a huge detachment in general, but not detachment from empathy; just people and their constant need for over-attachment (if that makes sense).

Pressure in my head almost all the time.
Raisin (8 stories) (37 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-02)
omg I have had this too, do every get a strange detachment feeling when you try to sleep accompanied by a pressure in your head?
Raisin (8 stories) (37 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-02)
omg I have had this too, do every get a strange detachment feeling when you try to sleep accompanied by a pressure in your head?
Raisin (8 stories) (37 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-02)
omg I have had this too, do every get a strange detachment feeling when you try to sleep accompanied by a pressure in your head?
Raisin (8 stories) (37 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-02)
omg I have had this too, do every get a strange detachment feeling when you try to sleep accompanied by a pressure in your head?

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